School City of Hobart |
Singing |
Standard 1
The learner will be able to sing in a group on pitch and with a steady tempo. Students sing a variety of songs from memory.
The learner will be able to match and echo a given pattern of a limited range of pitches.
The learner will be able to sing a short song accurately, from memory, and with a steady beat.
Playing an instrument |
Standard 2
The learner will be able to play short rhythmic and melodic patterns with body sounds or on an instrument. Students maintain a steady tempo while playing in a group.
The learner will be able to echo a short rhythmic pattern played by the teacher.
The learner will be able to maintain a steady beat.
Reading, notating and interpreting music |
Standard 3
The learner will be able to begin to read basic rhythmic notation.
The learner will be able to read and perform a short pattern of quarter notes and eighth notes by clapping or by vocalizing using syllables.
Improvising melodies and accompaniments |
Standard 4
The learner will be able to improvise musical responses to rhythms and pitch patterns given by the teacher. They improvise using instruments, body sounds, or electronic sounds.
The learner will be able to create simple rhythms on an instrument or by using body sounds.
The learner will be able to respond to teacher-played phrases by playing back a similar phrase.
Composing and arranging music |
Standard 5
The learner will be able to create a short melodic or rhythmic pattern. They use several sound sources when composing.
The learner will be able to invent a short melodic or rhythmic pattern with the instructor's guidance.
The learner will be able to help arrange a piece using many kinds of sounds, including instruments, body sounds, sounds from everyday objects, or electronic sounds. .
Listening, analyzing, describing music |
Standard 6
The learner will be able to distinguish between a speaking voice and a singing voice. They know the difference between the volume levels of loud and soft. They can also distinguish between fast and slow musical pace. Students in Kindergarten move to music and use movement to show what is heard in the music.
The learner will be able to identify a voice as a speaking voice or singing voice.
The learner will be able to after hearing one song sung at a loud level and sung again at a soft level, identify each as being either loud or soft.identify each as being either loud or soft.
The learner will be able to after hearing two pieces of music, identify one as fast and the other as slow.
The learner will be able to use hand motions to indicate a musical element or concept.
Understanding relationships |
Standard 7
The learner will be able to begin to identify similarities and differences in the meanings of terms used in more than one art form. They identify differences between music activities and other classroom activities.
The learner will be able to use terms such as: plain or fancy, same or different, bright or dark, in music class and art class.
The learner will be able to talk about how music class is similar to or different from other classroom activities.
Understanding music |
Standard 8
The learner will be able to identify how music is used in daily life.
The learner will be able to name sources of music that can be heard in daily situations. Example: Name a favorite song from the radio, television, or one that is often heard in an activity outside of school. .
Evaluating music |
Standard 9
The learner will be able to understand the importance of proper concert behavior in a variety of settings.
The learner will be able to name and imitate an appropriate behavior (such as sitting quietly) at a concert.