School City of Hobart Third Grade The Local Community and Communities Around the World: |
Historical Perspective |
The learner will be able to describe how significant people, events, and developments have shaped their own community and region; compare their community to other communities and regions in other times and places; and use a variety of resources to gather information about the past.
The learner will be able to describe Native American groups who lived in the region when European settlers arrived.
The learner will be able to explain why and how the local community was established, and identify founders and early settlers.
The learner will be able to describe the role of specific communities in the development of the region. Example: Explain the role of river towns, such as Madison or Clarksville, or urban centers, such as Indianapolis, in the development of regions of Indiana. .
The learner will be able to ggve examples of people, events, and developments that brought important changes to the local community or region. Example: Developments in transportation such as the building of canals, roads, and railroads connected communities and caused changes in population or industry. .
The learner will be able to develop simple time lines of events in the local communities. Example: Use a school newsletter or local newspaper to make a time line of current events. .
The learner will be able to read fiction and non-fiction stories to identify the qualities of leaders, such as community leaders, soldiers, presidents, teachers, and inventors.
The learner will be able to use a variety of community resources, such as libraries, museums, and county historians, to gather information about the local community.
Civics and Government |
Civics and Government
The learner will be able to explain what it means to be citizens of their community, state, and nation; be able to identify the functions and the major services provided by local governments; use a variety of resources to gather information about government in their community and other communities around the world; and demonstrate understanding of democratic principles and practices.
The learner will be able to explain that people are citizens* of their community, state, and nation, and explain the importance of good citizenship*. *Citizen: A member of a community, state, or nation *Citizenship: The act of practicing one's rights and responsibilities as a member of a community, state, or nation .
The learner will be able to identify fundamental democratic principles and ideals in American songs, stories, and symbols. Examples: Songs and stories may emphasize freedom and equality. Symbols, such as the flag, emphasize unity and other ideals. .
The learner will be able to discuss the reasons why governments are needed, and identify specific services that governments provide. Example: Democratic governments protect individual rights and provide services, such as law enforcement. .
The learner will be able to explain the consequences of violating laws, and identify the duties of and selection process for local officials who make, apply, and enforce laws through government.
The learner will be able to explain that the world is divided into different countries with their own governments, and identify neighboring countries, such as Canada and Mexico.
The learner will be able to discuss and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance*. Explain other ways citizens can affirm their citizenship. *Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." (Francis Bellamy, 1892) Examples: Students should know that the flag is a symbol of our unity as a nation and that the Pledge of Allegiance is a promise to be loyal to our republic*. Other ways that citizens affirm their citizenship include voting and jury duty. *Republic: Government ruled by representatives chosen by the people .
The learner will be able to use a variety of information resources* to gather information about community leaders and civic issues. *Information resources: Print media, including books, magazines, and newspapers. Electronic media, including radio, television, web sites, and databases. Example: Identify leaders and issues from school newsletters, newspaper headlines, photographs, editorial cartoons, television, and other information resources. .
Geography |
The learner will be able to explain that latitude and longitude are used to locate places on maps and globes, and begin to understand earth/sun relationships, identify the distinctive physical and cultural features of their community, and explain the geographic relationships of their own community with the state, nation, and world.
The learner will be able to distinguish between physical and political features on maps and globes, and label a map of North America identifying countries, oceans, major rivers, the Great Lakes, and mountain ranges. Locate the United States, Indiana, and the local community.
The learner will be able to identify the continents and oceans, the equator, Northern and Southern hemispheres, Eastern and Western hemispheres.
The learner will be able to explain that regions are areas which have similar physical and cultural characteristics*, and locate the local community in a specific region. *Cultural characteristics: Human features, such as population characteristics, communication and transportation networks, religion and customs, how people make a living or build homes and other structures. Example: States touching the Great Lakes are part of the Great Lakes Region. The same states are also considered part of the "Lower Midwest" because of their location relative to other states. .
The learner will be able to explain basic earth/sun relationships*, including how they influence climate, and identify major climate regions* of the United States. *Earth/sun relationships: The rotation of the earth on its axis, the revolution of the earth around the sun, and the tilt of the earth on its axis - all factors that influence climate *Regions: Areas that have common characteristics .
The learner will be able to explain how climate affects the vegetation and animal life of a region, and describe the physical characteristics that relate to form an ecosystem*. *Ecosystem: A system formed by the interaction of living things with their physical environment .
The learner will be able to construct maps and graphs that show aspects of human/environment interaction in the local community. Examples: Patterns of rural, urban, and suburban development .
The learner will be able to use a variety of information resources* to identify local environmental issues and examine the ways that people have tried to solve these problems. *Information resources: Print media, including books, magazines, and newspapers Electronic media, including radio, television, web sites, and data bases Example: Research how the community gets its water today compared with how early settlers got their water. .
Economics |
The learner will be able to explain how people in the community make choices about using goods, services, and productive resources, how they engage in trade to satisfy their economic wants, how they use a variety of sources to gather and apply information about economic changes in the community, and how they compare costs and benefits in economic decision making.
The learner will be able to give examples from the local community that illustrate the scarcity* of productive resources*. Explain how this scarcity requires people to make choices and incur opportunity costs*. *Productive resources: Human resources, natural resources, and capital resources *Scarcity: The idea that resources are limited in relation to people's wants *Opportunity costs: In making choices, opportunity costs are the next best alternatives you do not choose. .
The learner will be able to give examples of goods* and services* provided by local government. *Goods: Objects, such as food or a toy, that can satisfy people's wants *Services: Actions that a person does for you .
The learner will be able to give examples of trade* in the local community, and explain how trade benefits both parties. *Trade: Voluntary exchange of goods and services .
The learner will be able to define interdependence*, and give examples of how people in the local community depend on each other for goods and services. *Interdependence: Reliance on each other to produce goods and services. .
The learner will be able to list the characteristics of money*, and explain how money makes trade easier. *Money: Objects widely accepted in exchange for goods and services *Characteristics of money: Scarce (not easily found or duplicated), durable, easy to carry, and easy to divide .
The learner will be able to identify different ways people save their income, and explain advantages and disadvantages of each. Examples: Home "piggy bank", savings accounts, stock market, etc. .
The learner will be able to explain that buyers and sellers interact to determine the prices of goods and services in markets.
The learner will be able to illustrate how people compare benefits and costs when making choices and decisions as consumers and producers. Example: When a family is deciding whether to buy a car, they have to compare the benefit of having personal transportation with the cost of buying and maintaining the car. .
The learner will be able to gather data about a proposed economic change in the community using a variety of information resources*. *Information resources: Print media, including books, magazines, and newspapers; electronic media, such as radio, television, web sites, and databases; and community resources, such as individuals and organizations Example: Invite a community leader to discuss the decision to build a bigger library or baseball park in the community. .
Cultural Perspective |
Individuals, Society, and Culture
The learner will be able to explain how communities are made up of individuals and groups of people, explore local connections with communities in other places, examine the contributions of people from various cultures to the development of the community, and use a variety of resources to collect information about the culture of the community.
The learner will be able to give examples of how the local community is made up of many individuals, as well as many different groups. Example: Communities are made up of families, as well as businesses and industry, religious and civic groups, and governing bodies. .
The learner will be able to identify connections that the local community has with other communities, including cultural exchanges of several types, and ways that technology links communities in other places. Example: Some nearby communities share cultural institutions, such as schools or museums. Other communities may have "sister cities" in other parts of the world. The technology of transportation and communication makes these exchanges easier. .
The learner will be able to examine the contributions of individual artists (painters, sculptors, writers, musicians, and traditional artists) in enriching the culture of the community.
The learner will be able to identify factors that make the local community unique, including how the community is enriched through foods, crafts, customs, languages, music, visual arts, architecture, dance, and drama representing various cultures.
The learner will be able to use community resources, such as museums, libraries, historic buildings, and other landmarks, to gather cultural information about the community.