Global Projects


1. Write and Illustrate Story

Our class wrote page 2 of the global story. We illustrated our picture and tracked the story as it went all over the world to be written. The project started September 22, 1998 and was completed in February. Check out the web site that updated the project and read our story!

2. Mr. Popper's Penguins Sequel

After reading the book Mr. Popper's Penguins, by: Richard and Florence Atwater, our class decided to write a sequel. We opened up this project to other third and fourth grade classes. Starting February 23, 1999, Kathy Hocevar's third grade class in Lawrenceville, Georgia will begin our project by writing page one of the sequel. The story will be passed around the United States with each class writing a page of the story. The story will be completed some time in March when my third graders will be writing the final page of the story. Follow along and see the exciting adventures that Mr. Popper and his penguins encounter.

Check out more global projects by visiting Global SchoolNet's Internet project registry.

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