transparent gif - 0.0KThe War Between the States

Battle Victories


  • Battle of Pea Ridge
    ~ March 7-8, 1862
  • The Peninsular Campaign
    ~ April 4 - May 5, 1862
  • Battle of Shiloh
    ~ April 6-7, 1862
  • The Peninsular Campaign
    ~ April 4 - May 5, 1862
  • Battle of Antietam
    ~ September 17, 1862
  • Battle of Perryville
    ~ October 8, 1862
  • Battle of Murfreesboro
    (Stones River)

    ~ Dec. 31, 1862 - Jan. 2, 1863
  • Battle of Vicksburg
    ~ May 18 - July 4, 1863
  • Battle of Gettysburg
    ~ July 1-3, 1863
  • Battle of Chattanooga
    ~ November 23-25, 1863
  • Battle of Cold Harbor
    ~ June 3, 1864
  • Battle of Nashville
    ~ December 15-16, 1864
  • Battle of Sayler's Creek
    ~ April 6, 1865
  • Attack on Fort Sumter
    ~ April 12-13, 1861
  • Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas)
    ~ July 21, 1861
  • Battle of Ball's Bluff
    ~ October 21, 1861
  • Seven Days' Battle
    ~ June 25 - July 2, 1862
  • Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas)
    ~ April 4 - May 5, 1862
  • Battle of Fredericksburg
    ~ December 13, 1862
  • Battle of Chancellorsville
    ~ May 1-4, 1863
  • Battle of Chicamauga
    ~ September 19-20, 1863
  • Battle of Franklin
    ~ November 30, 1864

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  • Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac
    ~ April 12-13, 1861
  • Battle of the Wilderness
    ~ May 5-6, 1864
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse
    ~ May 8-18, 1864