transparent gif - 0.0KThe War Between the States

Civil War Time Line


  • First slaves arrive in America.


  • Rhode Island declares slavery illegal.


  • The first public protest of the slave trade occurs in Pennsylvania.


  • Virginia declares that slaves are the personal property of their owners.
  • New York sentences runaways slaves to death.


  • Virginia gives slaves the right to form their own church.


  • Slaves rebel in South Carolina and 44 slaves are killed.


  • Quaker, John Woolman, speaks out against slavery.


  • Vermont outlaws slavery.


  • Massachusetts outlaws slavery.


  • Kentucky enters the Union as a slave state.



  • Tennessee joins the Union as a slave state.


  • Free blacks petition Congress to end slavery.
  • Armed slaves rebel in Virginia and are executed.


  • Ohio joins the Union as a free state.
  • U. S. buys the Louisiana Territory and increases the debate on slave status.


  • Congress outlaws slave trade, but slavery continues.


  • Louisiana joins the Union as a slave state.


  • Indiana joins the Union as a free state.


  • Mississippi joins the Union as a slave state.


  • Illinois joins the Union as a free state.


  • Alabama joins the Union as a slave state.



  • Slaves rebel in South Carolina and 37 are hanged.


  • New York outlaws slavery.


  • South Carolina argues that states are not subject to Federal laws.



  • The Liberator is published by William Lloyd Garrison.
  • Virginia passes stricter slave laws after slave rebellion.


  • Congress passes new tax law that favors the industry in the North.
  • South Carolina encourages Southern states to secede.
  • President Andrew Jackson declares that succession is illegal.


  • Lucretia Mott forms the Female Anti-Slavery Society.
  • The American Anti-Slavery Society is formed.
  • Blacks are admitted to Oberlin College in Ohio.


  • Abolitionist literature is burned in South Carolina.
  • Georgia threatens abolitionist writers with death penalty.


  • Arkansas is admitted to the Union as a slave state


  • Michigan is admitted to the Union as a free state.


  • Florida and Texas are admitted as slave states.


  • Wisconsin joins Union as free state.


  • Compromise of 1850: Some western territories can decide to allow slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law is strengthened to recapture runaway slaves.
  • Southern states declare they will secede if the Compromise of 1850 is not supported.


  • Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin.
  • Franklin Pierce, a pro-slavery candidate, is elected President.


  • Jefferson Davis becomes Secretary of War for Pierce administration.



  • Pro-slavery forces declare victory in Kansas.


  • Pro-slavery candidate, James Buchanan, is elected President.


  • The Supreme Court rules that Dred Scott is the personal property of his owner and must be returned.
  • Congress debates whether Kansas should be admitted as a free or a slave state.


  • Minnesota joins Union as free state.
  • Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debate slavery issues in their campaign for the Senate. Douglas wins election.


  • Oregon joins Union as free state.
  • Arkansas forces free blacks to leave the state.
  • Southerners discuss reinstating the slave trade.
  • John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry and is executed.


  • November
    Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th President of the United States.
  • December 12
    South Carolina secedes and other states begin to vote on secession.


  • February
    The Confederate States of America is established and Jefferson Davis is elected President.
  • February 4
    Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina secede from the Union and form the Confederate States of America.
  • March 2
    Texas joins the Confederacy.
  • April
    Fort Sumter, South Carolina is fired on and surrenders to the Confederacy.
  • April
    Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas join the Confederacy.
  • April
    President Lincoln authorizes a blockade of the Southern ports to stop trade with Europe.
  • May
    Richmond, Virginia becomes the capital of the Confederacy.
  • July
    The Confederates win the Battle at Bull Run (Manassas), Virginia.
  • August
    The Confederates win the Battle of Wilson's Creek (Missouri).
  • November
    General George McClellan is named Commander in Chief of the U.S. Army replacing General Winfield Scott.


  • February
    General U.S. Grant and the Union Army capture Fort Henry and For Donelson in Tennessee.
  • March
    The war at sea begins with a battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack.
  • March through May
    The Union forces are driven from the Shenandoah Valley by General T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson and his men.
  • March through July
    General McClellan orders Union troops toward Richmond, Virginia.
  • April
    General Grant and men are almost defeated at Shiloh.
  • April
    The Confederate Army begins drafting soldiers.
  • April
    The Union Army under Admiral David Farragut captures New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • June and July
    The Union fails to capture Richmond, Virginia during the Seven Days' battles.
  • August
    The Confederate Army defeats the Union Army at Bull Run (Manassas), Virginia again.
  • September
    Both sides lose many men at the Battle of Antietam, Maryland and General Lee and his men retreat to Virginia.
  • September
    President Lincoln declares slavery illegal in the Southern States through the Emancipation Proclamation.


  • March
    The Union Army begins drafting men.
  • May
    The Union Army is defeated at Chancellorsville, Virginia, but the Confederates lose General Stonewall Jackson who is accidentally shot by his own men.
  • May
    General Grant attacks Vicksburg, Mississippi.
  • July
    Union forces defeat the Confederate Army at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This becomes the turning point of the war.
  • July
    The Confederate Army at Vicksburg surrenders to the Union. The North now controls the Mississippi River.
  • September - November
    General Grant and the Union Army take control of the Western States.


  • March
    General Grant replaces General McClellan and is named the U. S. Army Commander in Chief.
  • May
    General W. T. Sherman marches south to Georgia.
  • June - April 1865
    The Union Army begins its campaign for Petersburg, Virginia.
  • July - September
    The Union Army attacks Atlanta, Georgia and captures the City.
  • September - October General Sheridan's Ride in the Shenandoah Valley destroys crops which would feed the Confederate Army. This victory convinced the people to re-elect President Lincoln.
  • November
    President Lincoln is re-elected.
  • November - December
    General Sherman marches to the ocean.


  • January - March
    General Sherman marches through the Carolinas
  • March
    President Lincoln delivers is second Inaugural Speech.
  • April
    Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia fall to Union troops.
  • April
    General Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia
  • April
    President Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Andrew Jackson is named the 17th President of the United States.
  • May
    The last Confederate troops surrender at New Orleans, Louisiana.