The Caldecott Medal Winners are awarded annually by the Association for Library Services to Children, the American Library Association.
The Caldecott Medal is an annual award for the most distinguished picture book for children published during the previous year. It was the first award to recognize the work of an illustrator of a book.
The award is limited to artists who are U.S. citizens or residents, and whose work was published within the past year.
The face of the Caldecott Medal has a reproduction of Randolph Caldecott's original illustration of John Gilpin's ride from the famous narrative poem "The Diverting History of John Gilpin" by William Cowper.
To Be Announced Soon |
Rapunzel by Paul O. Zelinsky |
Golem by David Wisniewski |
Officer Buckle & Gloria by Peggy Rathmann |
Smokey Night by Eve Bunting |
Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say |
Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Ann McCully |
Tuesday by David Wiesner |
Black & White by David Macaulay |
Lon Po Po : A Red-Riding Hood Story from China by Ed Young |
Song and Dance Man by Karen Ackerman |
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen |
Hey, Al by Arthur Yorinks |
Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg |
Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges |
Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen |
Shadow by Blaise Cendrars |
Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg |
Fables by Arnold Lobel |
Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall |
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble |
Noah's Ark by Peter Spier |
Ashanti to Zulu by Margaret Musgrove |
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears by Verna Aardema |
Arrow to the Sun by Gerald McDermott |
Duffy and the Devil by Harve Zemach |
The Funny Little Woman by Arlene Mosel |
One Fine Day by Nonny Hogrogian |
A Story, A Story by Gail E. Haley |
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig |
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship by Jane Yolen |
Drummer Hoff by Barbara Emberley |
Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine by Evaline Ness |
Always Room For One More by Sorche Nic Leodhas |
May I Bring A Friend? by Beatrice De Regniers |
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak |
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats |
Once A Mouse by Marcia Brown |
Baboushka and the Three Kings by Ruth Robbins |
Nine Days to Christmas by Maria Hall Ets |
Chanticleer and the Fox by Geoffrey Chaucer |
Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey |
A Tree is Nice by Janice Udry |
Frog Went A-Courtin' by Jane Yolen |
Cinderella by Charles Perrault |
Madeline's Rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans |
The Biggest Bear by Lynd Ward |
Finders Keepers by William Lipkind |
The Egg Tree by Katherine Milhous |
Song of the Swallows by Leo Politi |
The Big Snow by Berta and Elmer Hader |
White Snow, Bright Snow by Alvin Tresselt |
The Little Island by Golden MacDonald |
The Rooster Crows by Maud and Miska Petersham |
Prayer For A Child by Rachel Field |
Many Moons by James Thurber |
The Little House by Virginia Burton |
Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey |
They Were Strong and Good by Robert Lawson |
Abraham Lincoln by Ingri and Edgar D'Aulaire |
Mei Li by Thomas Handforth |
Animals of the Bible by Dorothy Lathrop |