- Come Morning
by Leslie Guccione
- Ghost in Room 11
by Betty Ren Wright
- The Great Turkey Walk
by Kathleen Karr
- Journey to Nowhere
by Mary Jane Auch
- Lily's Crossing
by Patricia Reilly Giff
- Mean Margaret
by Tor Seidler
- Out of Darkness:
Story of Louis Braille
by Russel Friedman
- Run Away Home
by Patricia McKissack
- Saving Shiloh
by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
- A Season of Comebacks
by Kathy MacKel
- Shadow of the Wolf
by Gloria Whelan
- Spring Break
by Johanna Hurwitz
- Sun and Spoon
by Kevin Henkes
- Toenails, Tonsils,
and Tornadoes
by Bonnie Pryor
- Tornado
by Betsy Byars
- Tracks in the Snow
by Lucy Jane Bledsoe
- The Turnabout Shop
by Colby Rodowsky
- Virtual Cody
by Betsy Duffy
- When Jessica Came Across
the Sea by Amy Hest
- White Water
by P.J. Petersen