Evaluation of Oral Presentation 30 40 50
Showed a Deep Understanding  Does not completely understand characteristics of a gifted athlete.  1-2 minutes long Understands characteristics of a gifted athlete.  2-3 minutes long Understands characteristics of a gifted athlete.  3+ minutes
Showed Creativity Showed fluency and flexibility Showed fluency, flexiblity, and originality Showed fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaborabtion
Information is Well Organized Organized in coherent order Organized in coherent order, speech is smooth and without pauses Organized in coherent order, speech is smooth and without pauses, speech indicates comprehensive research
Had Excellent  Visusal Aids Picture of 1-2 players Picture of 2-4 players Picture of 5 or more players


Evaluation of Scrapbook 30 40 50
Had Excellent Visual Aids Picture of 1-2 players Picture of 2-4 pictures Picture of 5 or more players
In Depth Coverage of Topic 1-2 players 2-4 players 5 or more players
Informative Bibliography of Each Player Showed very little effort, factual information Written in student's own words, factual information indicates minimal research In student's own words, factual information indicates comprehensive research


Evaluation of URLs 5 10 15
Used an adequate amount of URLs to study a wide range of information 1-3 URLs 3-5 URLs 5 or more URLs