Evaluation of Oral Presentation | 30 | 40 | 50 |
Showed a Deep Understanding | Does not completely understand characteristics of a gifted athlete. 1-2 minutes long | Understands characteristics of a gifted athlete. 2-3 minutes long | Understands characteristics of a gifted athlete. 3+ minutes |
Showed Creativity | Showed fluency and flexibility | Showed fluency, flexiblity, and originality | Showed fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaborabtion |
Information is Well Organized | Organized in coherent order | Organized in coherent order, speech is smooth and without pauses | Organized in coherent order, speech is smooth and without pauses, speech indicates comprehensive research |
Had Excellent Visusal Aids | Picture of 1-2 players | Picture of 2-4 players | Picture of 5 or more players |
Evaluation of Scrapbook | 30 | 40 | 50 |
Had Excellent Visual Aids | Picture of 1-2 players | Picture of 2-4 pictures | Picture of 5 or more players |
In Depth Coverage of Topic | 1-2 players | 2-4 players | 5 or more players |
Informative Bibliography of Each Player | Showed very little effort, factual information | Written in student's own words, factual information indicates minimal research | In student's own words, factual information indicates comprehensive research |
Evaluation of URLs | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Used an adequate amount of URLs to study a wide range of information | 1-3 URLs | 3-5 URLs | 5 or more URLs |