More News From Glendover

December 1, 1999

Dear Friends,

Abbey was terribly happy and excited to arrive in Lexington.  She told us she was pleased to be out of that small box.  At first she was a little shy, but now she feels right at home with us.

Last night Abbey spent the night with Justin and his parents.  They went to The Mad Potter with the cub scouts.  Abbey had fun painting a design on Justin's box.

Our pet tip for the day is:  Find a good Veterinarian.  Pets come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.  They all need special care and lots of love.

We'll write more tomorrow.

Your Friends,
Mrs. Sayre's Reading Class

December 2, 1999

Dear Friends,

Abbey spent the night with Madeline.  They had pizza and went to Kid's Place to play.  She had a terrific time meeting new friends. Our class pet's name is Patches.  He is a year and half old guinea pig.  He is calico and loves to eat.  We read to him daily and play with him.  He likes to nibble on us, but we still spoil him.

The pet tip for today is:  Select the correct pet for your family.
Dogs need a lot of exercise.

We'll write again tomorrow!

Your Friends,
Mrs. Sayre's Reading Class

December 3, 1999

Dear Friends,

Abbey went home with Kathryn last night.  She helped put up Christmas lights.  They also watched a movie. Today Abbey will go to the library with us.  She has been helping us with out pet tips.  Today's tip is:  Keep your pet healthy.  Take them to
see the vet once a year for all of their shots.

We'll write again Monday.  We'll miss her a lot when she leaves! Have a great weekend.

Your Friends,
Mrs. Sayre's Reading Class

click on pictures to enlarge

Abbey is having a great time with her new friends

December 6, 1999

Dear Friends,

Abbey had a great weekend at Zach's house.  She went
rollerblading, biking, and toured the "southern lights" display.  We will miss her this afternoon when we mail her off to Niagara, Wisconsin.

Our last pet tip is:  Feed your pet correctly.  Give your pet the right food for his age and activity level.

Thanks again for sharing Abbey with us.  We hope you all have a great school year!

Your friends,
Mrs. Sayre's reading class

 Meet Abbey and Addey
Abbey's travel schedule
 Pet Care Tips