Niagara Elementary School
Niagara, WI

December 14, 1999

Dear Friends,

Well... For awhile we thought that Abbey's visit to Niagara might have to be entitled "ABBEY'S TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD STAY".  Maybe we'll write a

Abbey arrived early.  Mrs. Nasi, our first grade teacher was not ready. She still had not learned to E-mail!  On Abbey's first day at Niagara, little Nicholas brought her along to gym class.  He hadn't been feeling well and was unable to participate in gym class.  Abbey was going to keep him company while he watched the children play.  Well...ABBEY GOT KICKED OUT OF GYM CLASS!  Miss Paul does not allow toys of any type to
come to gym class.  Mrs. Nasi should have gone along to explain.  Mrs. Nasi decided to take Abbey home for the weekend so she could take a picture of Abbey by GIANT PINE MOUNTAIN, the ski jump near our city. Guess what!  Mrs. Nasi forgot to bring the camera home.  And then Mrs. Nasi got the flu!!  This was not a fun weekend for Abbey.  Mrs. Nasi
made sure not to get any germs on Abbey so she will probably be fine.

Well, now it is Tuesday, December 14, 1999.  We have the rest of the week to make up for Abbey's bad start.  We are sure things will get better.  We will get a picture of Abbey by the ski hill, by the Welcome to Niagara sign, and with some Green Bay Packer fans.  Green Bay is only about 90 miles south of us and we are all big Packer fans.

That's all from Niagara for now.

Dec. 15, 1999

Good morning St. Bridget's Catholic School!

Niagara had it's first big snowfall last night. December 15th is quite late for that.  We usually have much more snow by this time of the year.  Mrs. Nasi is at school all by herself  because there is a 2 hour snow delay.

Sheila took Abbey home last night -- in her new "doghouse".  It is a ziplock bag to keep her dry.  We have also been keeping her wrapped up in a nice soft Packer hat when we take her out for
recess.  We will get a picture of Abbey in the snow with the first graders when they get here later this morning.

Have a happy Wednesday!

December 16, 1999

Today is our dress rehearsal for our annual Niagara
Elementary School Christmas program.  We are going to try to sneak Abbey up on stage.  We will also bring her around the school with us as we deliver Christmas gifts we have made for the school staff.

This morning we made a book called "A Puppy Is a Puppy" and dedicated it to Abbey.  We got the idea from our reading book called "An Egg Is an Egg".  We will send it home with Abbey in the mail tomorrow.

Happy Thursday!

December 17, 1999

Good morning everyone at St. Bridget's! It's --6 degrees in Niagara this morning. BRRRRRRR!!!  We had a very busy morning and afternoon.  We just got back from our Christmas Program.  We are waiting to get picked up to go home.

Now it is time to pack up Abbey.  We will put some milk treats in her box to share with you.  Did you know that Wisconsin is famous for all of its dairy farms?  Wisconsin is called The Dairy State. We are also sending you the book that we wrote and dedicated to Abbey.  We have enjoyed having Abbey with us here in Niagara.  Thank you for letting us borrow her.

Mrs. Nasi and her First Graders

 Abbey's travel schedule