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Feb. 25, 2000

Hello again Second Graders,

We all sadly gave Abbey a good-bye hug as we boxed her up to send to Roslindale, MA. We have had such great week with her!  She has been included in everything that we did.
Today Abbey even got to watch a school Gym Show.  She really seemed to enjoy watching the kids tumble and do flips.  We thought that she might even run out on the mats and join them.

Today Abbey met two more pets that live here at Orchard School.  Taracula is a Rose Hair Tarantula.  In the picture, he is just heading into his favorite spot, a hollowed out log.  Our pet care tip for tarantulas is to feed them about a dozen crickets a week
and make sure that they have fresh water. The second pet that Abbey met today is an iridescent shark.  We call him Sharkie.
This fellow gets very nervous if anyone taps on the glass of his aquarium, so we would advise people to treat sharks gently.  (Taracula also would rather that people not tap
on the glass.)

 We love our pets at Orchard School and we were so glad that Abbey could spend some time with us.  Thank you, second graders in Hobart Indiana, for sharing your special friend with us.

Your new friends,
Eilish, Matt, Chelsea, Jonathan, Alexandra, Brittany, Stephanie, Christian, Carter, Devon, Ty, Brittany, Mrs. Poor and Mrs. Macdonald



Pet Tips
 Abbey's travel schedule