Sheldon Elementary School

Sheldon, IL

Nov. 15, 1999

Abbey arrived in Sheldon, Illinois this morning.  The P.M. Kindergarten read all the books enclosed which told about her adventures in New Jersey and Texas.  Abbey then went to first grade to hear a community member who came to read to them in honor of National Education Week.  She sat on Mrs. Meadows shoulder and licked her ear while she told the first graders about being a nurse, a school board member and a mom.  Tonight Abbey will meet Mrs. Webster's cat, Mittens.  I hope they will become friends.  Other classes in Sheldon Elementary are looking forward to Abbey visiting their class this week.

Mrs. Webster
Kindergarten teacher
Sheldon Elementary School

Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Abbey spent her day with the Sheldon Kindergarten class.  She learned about animals "In the Barnyard" in reading.  Sheldon High School National Honor Society students came to tell us about their future plans and read to us in honor of National Education week.  The class practiced writing and counting number four.  Abbey was very good at this because she has four paws.  The PM class took Abbey to art to make turkeys with their hands and feet.  Abbey traced her paws for feathers and her ears for the turkey's head.  What a funny turkey!  Then
the class took Abbey outside to play on our new tire playground equipment.

Vickie Webster
Kindergarten teacher

click on picture to enlarge

Abbey and her friends playing on the new tire playground

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1999

Abbey had fun at Sheldon School on Wednesday November 17.  She helped the Kindergarten kids honor the school support staff by making thank you notes.  She learned to count to 10 in spanish when the class had their weekly spanish lesson.  The computer lab time was pretty cool too!  But writing Aa-Hh with her little paws was pretty hard.  The Kindergartners have a good pet tip for everyone.  The most important thing you can do for your pet is to love it, pet it gently, and brush it every day.

Sheldon Elementary School

Thursday, November 18

Abbey had a fun day in Sheldon Grade school on Thursday November 18.  Mrs. Webster was sick so there was a substitute teacher.  The kindergarten students said Abbey had video camera eyes so she could tell Mrs. Webster if they were
good the next day.  The class went to fourth grade to watch a play about "The Great Kapok Tree".  It was about the importance of saving trees and the rain forest.  In the afternoon the fire alarm went off and everyone went outside.  We all thought it was a drill but there was really a small fire in the boiler room! Tonight is Family Reading night and many of the children will be reading with their family and Abbey will read with the classroom puppets, Annie the dog, and Herman the hermit crab.

Mrs. Webster
Kindergarten teacher
Sheldon Elementary School

Friday, November 19

This is Friday November 19 at Sheldon School.  Abbey noticed that all the teachers wore their college sweatshirts today in honor of National Education week.  The Kindergarten students wrote riddles today about animals.  Abbey's riddle is:  What has big floppy ears? Give up!  It is a cocker spaniel dog named
Abbey.  Grandparents came to visit school today.  The Kindergarten kids sang "Our Family", "I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas", and "The Eensy Weensy Spider".  We had snack with grandparents, and heard the story "The Bereinsten
Bears Visit Grandma's".  Abbey loved all the hugs and kisses from grandparents. Abbey will attend " Ram Night"  tonight in honor of the Sheldon Rams Basketball team.  She will receive a surprise souvenir too.  The Kindergarten students have
enjoyed having a wonderful week with Abbey and will be sad to see her leave on Monday.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Mrs. Webster
Kindergarten teacher
Sheldon Elementary School

November 23, 1999

Abbey left Sheldon yesterday November 22.  We really have been enjoying your project, I like the way you have
organized it and we enjoyed the visit to the vet.'s office too!

Kindergarten teacher
Sheldon Elementary School

Abbey's travel schedule
 Meet Abbey and Addey
 Pet Care Tips