Sontag Elementary School

Rocky Mount, VA

Oct. 21, 1999

Addey arrived yesterday late. We opened her box this morning and the children are thrilled with her. She has been everywhere with us today. Tuesday the children will send your class an e-mail of her fun at Sontag. Friday, she will attend the fall festival and help Mrs. Gue with a game for all the children at our school. Saturday she will have to be sent on to the next school. We're glad she is visiting us this week.

From your friends in Virginia,
Mrs. Gue and the Pre-K

Oct. 27, 1999

Dear Mrs. Groff and Class,

We'd like to tell you what we like to do with Addey in our class.

Avie- I like to take Addey to the house area and feed her ham biscuits and celery, they are my favorites.

Ami- Addey likes to dress up in a pretty dress and play with the baby dolls. I took my picture outside on the monkey bars with Addey.

Michael S.- I like to draw pumpkins and make Jack-o-lantern faces. We will take Addey to the Fall Festival and she will see me dressed like a green alien.

Kennedy- I like to play with Addey and the airplanes, we pretend to go to the forest to see a family of friendly wolves. Addey likes to fly.

Kasey- I like to write a letter on the computer to Addey's class in Indiana. I want to tell them I love Addey and I am glad she is visiting us.

Ryan- I like to show Addey the teddy bear poster.

Chastiana- I like Addey to play ball with me. I can carry Addey on my shoulder when we go to the playground and she can see all the children. I have been practicing on the balance beam and Addey balances good.

Michael L.- I like to paint pictures of big, orange pumpkins. I built Addey a house in the block area.

Cassandra- I like to play with the thick and thin blocks in the game area. I like Addey she has a nice smile on her face.

Brandy-I like to play with the dolls and Addey in the house area.

Christopher- Addey played with the airplanes and I flew them around. We flew to the apple orchard and we picked red apples.

Alexis- I like to work in the block area and build a house for Addey. I like to play games on the computer.

Haley- I like to play with the school bus and take Addey for a ride. I play baby dolls and feed them their bottles.

Jesse- My favorite is taking Addey on the big John Deere tractor and take all the animals on the toy farm.

Jessica- I love to swing Addey on the swing set. I like to swing high and I like to slide with Addey, too.

Bye for now,
Your friends in Virginia

Nov. 5, 1999

Oh, what an adventure Mrs. Gue and class had with Addey. We had a wonderful Pumpkin Party with pumpkin cookies, pumpkin shaped jello jigglers, and we played pumpkin bingo. But when the children went home, Mrs. Gue could not find Addey anywhere. So Mrs. Gue had to go to the Fall Festival alone. When the children came no one know where Addey had
gone. On Monday Mrs. Gue sent a letter to families but no one had seen Addey, we looked every where we could think she might hide but she couldn't be found. On Tuesday we sang "Sing a Happy Song" and then we went to centers. Michael and Michael decided to build a castle with blocks and tubes. The castle was pretty big when they shouted "HERE'S ADDEY." There she was hiding in one of the tubes. We took a picture of
"Addey's Castle" as the boys named it and we are sending it with her so you will know where she hid. We discussed why Addey was hiding and we think maybe she was afraid of the scary faces at Halloween but when she heard us singing "Sing a Happy Song" she decided to come out. She was mailed on to Georgia and we hope they have as much fun as we did with
Bye for now.
Your friends in Virginia


  Addey's travel schedule

Meet Abbey and Addey