Zion Lutheran School


Dallas, Texas

October 18, 1999
Abbey arrived safely in Dallas on Monday afternoon.  We will write more about her adventures later today.

Mrs. Zoch's Third Grade
Zion Lutheran School

October 19, 1999
Dear Friends,
I am having a good time at Zion Lutheran School.  I was very happy to get out of my box and meet all of the third graders here.  Zion has classes from preschool through 8th grade.  I think the 3rd grade room is the best. I will get to spend time with each of the students in Mrs. Zoch's class. There is only one class for each grade at this school. There are about 200 students in the whole school.

The weather just got much cooler here.  The third graders said that last  week they were wearing shorts every day, but today they had to wear jackets for the first time this year.  Even though they think the weather is cool in Dallas, I know it it does not get as cold as the temperature does back home in Hobart.

Last night I got to go home with one of the students named Erin.  I played soccer with her and her brother.  We also ate pizza.  It was a lot  of fun. Today in P.E. we were learning how to play volleyball.  The ball was bigger than I was, so I sat on the bleachers to watch so I would not get hurt.

I will write more about Zion Lutheran School and Dallas in my future letters. For now, I just wanted you to know I got here safely.  I can't wait to learn more about Texas.  I know the third graders here will be good teachers.

Your pal,

October 20, 1999
Hi Friends,

Last night I went home with Lee.  I watched TV with him for a while, then we did his math homework.  I was a big help, so his mom fed me dinner.  After that we went to the grocery store. Today was a busy day.  First thing this morning, we went to chapel. This school has a church too.  In the church we sang and prayed.  I liked listening to all of the songs. At recess I played on the monkey bars. I learned how to do a flip.  The kids helped me so that I did not fall and hurt myself. In Social Studies the students are studying Native Americans, so in art today, I watched them make sand paintings like the Indians did.

Dallas is a big city.  There are a lot of cars and people here. However, I feel very safe because I know I am with friends.  Dallas has hockey, football, basketball, baseball, and soccer teams.  The teams have won many trophies. I wish I could see a Dallas Cowboys' game or a Dallas Stars' game, but I can't stay that long.  The State Fair of Texas was in Dallas most of this month.  The students liked riding on the rides and looking at the exhibits. Tomorrow we are going to the SPCA to visit the animals that do not have homes.  I am excited about the trip where I can learn more about my friends. I will write more tomorrow.

Your pal,

P.S. I sent you a picture of the state fair and downtown Dallas so that you can get a glimpse of what it is like here.





Downtown Dallas at night





Texas State Fair

October 21, 1999
Hi again Friends,

Last night I spent the night with Lindsey.  I helped her with her homework.  She said I am a math whiz.  After that, we ate cake and then we played, to exercise some.  It was a lot of fun at Lindsey's house. I wanted to stay longer, but I knew we needed to get back to school.

Today was very exciting.  We went on a field trip to the SPCA of Texas. The SPCA makes sure that animals have good homes.  You can adopt pets there that do not have homes.  We learned all about taking good care of pets. It was sad to see so many pets without homes.  The kids played with the kittens, but I stayed outside so that I would not scare them. We got to feed the dogs and puppies dog biscuits.  They really enjoyed that.
We learned some new pet care tips.  Always remember to....

Tomorrow I have to leave Zion.  I will write again tomorrow about my last day here.

Your Pal,

October 22, 1999
Hi Friends,

This was my last day at Zion.  It was only a half a day of school, so I did not get to visit very long.  We made Indian blankets today.  They were very colorful.The class gave me a book about Texas to take along with me.  They also gave me a book of similes that they wrote about me.  I am excited about traveling to a new school.  I should arrive in New Jersey early next week. I will miss my friends at Zion, but I can't wait to meet more new friends.

Your friend,


 Meet Abbey and Addey


  Pet Care Tips


Abbey's travel schedule