Rate Your Family Conservation Study
Brief Description:
Students assess how environmentally aware their family is by a point system. Goal is to heighten awareness of environmental impact.
Students collect data on a point system. (points below are from a suggested example, an additional part of this could be for students to
come up with an appropriate rating system.)

     If you recycle newspaper, used computer paper, and some junk mail, add 10 pts.
     If you picked up litter in the past week, add 5 pts. If you littered in any way. Subtract 20 pts.
     If you planted one or more trees in the past year, add 10 pts.
     If you drove your car (or had someone drive you) to destination fewer that two blocks away in the last week, subtract 20 pts.
     If you have taken your children to a natural setting, such as the woods, a stream or a mountain trail in the last month, add 10 pts.
     If you recycle aluminum cans and aluminum foil, add 10 pts.
     If you burn or bag your leaves or grass clippings, subtract 10 pts. If you compost, mulch, or leave you leaves or grass alone to
     decompose, add 5 pts.
     If you have a compost pile, add 10 pts.
     If you have a family vegetable garden, add 5 pts.
     If you have forgotten to turn off a light, television, or radio in an empty room today, subtract 10 pts.
     If you have purchased a product packaged in a foam container in the past week (that includes food from some fast food
     restaurants), subtract 5 pts.
     If you use both sides of a piece of paper before throwing it away, add 5 pts.
     If you recycle glass and plastic, add 10 pts.
     If you have volunteered your time for an environmental cause in the past year (such as paper drive, trash pick-up, etc.), add 10 pts.

How did your family score????

90 points or above: Indeed you are a friendly family of the Earth!

80 to 89 points: You are a concerned family and doing OK.

70 to 79 points: Your family needs to make a plan and try harder.

Below 69: Your family is contributing to the problem.