Frequently asked questions about band.....
You will experience the joy that music can bring to your life.
You will participate in band activities, concerts, and trips.
You will be a HMS Band member - part of a long tradition.
We (meaning the student, parent, and director) will have an appointed meeting in April or May for Band Fittings. And this time, the student will be allowed to try the individual instruments. Instrument selection will be made by class availability and student choice. Students should come to the meeting with several instruments in mind - not just one particular instrument.
You will receive a phone call from Quinlan & Fabish Music to set up an appointment to meet with the directors - Miss Kaiser or Mrs. Miller. Phone calls are made in a random order, not by any particular order.
Yes! Not only can you be in sports and band but we encourage students to do other activities outside of band! Band does offer a great deal for students but we believe Hobart Middle School offers a great many activities that we would like our students to participate in if they wish.
We have school owned instruments that include tuba, baritone, French horn, and oboe. These instruments can be checked out to students. We do ask that they purchase valve oil (approximately $2.00) and slide grease (approximately $2.00) to maintain slides and valves.
Beginners will begin instruction on their instruments the first week of school. Band meets daily (just like math and science) for 45 minutes. Students should practice most nights for 15 to 20 minutes. Prior to concerts, the beginners meet after school for full band rehearsals on Monday and Wednesdays from 2:40-3:15. All instruments attend this 35 minute rehearsal - this is necessary since the instrument classes meet at different times throughout the day.
Believe it or not, the first concert is early November! Then the beginners perform at the Holiday/Pops Concert on the high school auditorium stage in December, a spring concert in March, and an awards concert in May. So you will perform four concerts your first year in band. Don't forget not only to invite Mom and Dad but also Grandparents, friends, and other family members!
Are there any other activities other than concerts?
Once finished with your beginning year of band, you become a Symphonic Band member. Our Symphonic Band members go to Indiana Beach in August and again May/June. Our high school band has taken some wonderful trips including Disney World, Mackinaw Island - Michigan, Ireland, Indianapolis 500 and more.
I have heard the Jazz Band perform. Can I be in that band?
We would love to have you in Jazz Band. Students must finish their first year of beginning band to audition for Jazz Band. Instruments included in our Jazz Band are saxophone, cornet, trombone, baritone, tuba, set, and piano.
Please call or e-mail to the following if you have questions or need help.