Blacklands County Primary School

Hastings, East Sussex, UK


We are a class of 5, 6 and 7 year olds at Blacklands Primary School in the town of Hastings on the south coast of England. Our first topic of the school year was Food so the Munchies project fitted in very well. We found out about which foods were healthy and which we should eat only a little of. Elliot's mum came in and helped us make a healthy snack. Here is the recipe:

Monster Biscuits

You need:

First of all we spead the cheese on the biscuit and then used the other ingredients to make a monster face. Some of us used the cress to make green hair, a slice of cucumber cut in half for the ears, 3 slices of carrot for the eyes and nose and a quarter of a tomato for the mouth. We found that it is best to eat these biscuits straight away because if you leave them for too long they go soggy.

Mrs Ford took a photo of us holding our monster biscuits but we can't send it yet because it is still in her camera!

Thank you to everyone else for their recipes. We thought that the Friendship Fruit Salad was a really good idea and we are going to try that some time.

With best wishes from Class 1/2 LF

P. S. 233

Brooklyn, New York

Happy Holidays from Mrs. Cuccia's 1st grade class at P.S. 233 in Brooklyn, NY! We are an urban school of approximately 950 students in PreK-5th grades. Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs that make up New York City. We have many people of diverse cultures living and working side by side.

Since first graders eat lunch at 12:30, we have a mid-morning snack in the classroom. I begin a lesson on healthy foods by bringing in a glass jar in which I have been collecting fat and grease. Then I collect a sampling of food the children have brought in for snack. On brown butcher paper I list the names of the foods and next to each a rubbing of it. Since all food contains some water there will be a wet spot for each one. After several hours we examine our chart. Foods with no or little fat will have dried; however, foods containing more fat will have left a greasy spot onthe paper. We then put happy faces next to healthy foods, and sad faces next to unhealthy foods.

The next day we make several bowls of a healthy snack we can all eat. Here's our recipe.

Healthy Party Mix

6 cups of plain popcorn

3 cups of cheerios

2 cups of unsalted pretzels

1 cup of raisins

1 cup of peanuts

Mix together and enjoy!!


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