Deep River Pictures

kara col

Kara is collecting the water from Deep River that we use to test the quality.


Jon is labeling the water sample for indentification purposes. This comes in handy for the tests that are not done directly at the site.


This is Riverview Park in Lake Station, Indiana one of the 16 sites we test anually.


This Kristen doing our pH test that measures the acidity of the water.


Taylor is doing the dissolved oxygen test this measures the amount of oxygen in the water.


This is a normal field trip for us. We are outside of the Hobart Middle Scool in Indiana. The people sitting on the black top are doing the chemical tests while those closer to the water are doing the physical tests and recording their data.


This is a storm drain manhole by an old sewage treatment plant. This year was the first time I have ever seen it spew out the water like this.