Mr. Kousen is …  Water Man

    This is a great time of year to have some fun and grow some plants.  It will "green up" the room and give all of you an opportunity to see how different some plants grow from seed, to seedling, to mature plant.  This will be a four week project!  You will work on this project every day.  Each day you will either prepare your experiment, experiment on your plants, and observe and record your findings.  Nearly all of the equipment and supplies you will need to complete this project, I will provide. YOU will be asked to bring in several items for lab:

                        1.  A styrofoam egg carton - one dozen only
                        2.  One jar - size for peanut butter or pickles
                        3.  One Can - vegetables, beans, soup, etc.
These items need to be in no later than  November 2, 2001.
so that you will be able to start your lab on time!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Dicot Seedling (Corn Plant)                    Monocot Seedling (Bean Plant)

         On day one of your project you will prepare your project by making a seed nursery, plant your bean and corn seeds, and begin to assemble all the pages of your journal (what you will record all your observations and information in from your experiments).

    The following links are for you to explore!  They will help you understand the different concepts you will encounter as you progress through the project.

Seed Anatomy
 Monocot vs. Dicot Chart
 Leaf Structure
 Leaf Structure in Monocots and Dicots
 Plant Structure II
 Monocots vs. Dicots

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