Teacher's guide for The Fresh Water WebQuest

by Jerry W. Kousen,  Hobart High School


Use this WebQuest to help 10 - 12 Science students learn about Fresh Water. The goal is to get students Not given.


Main Topic:  Fresh Water
Subtopics:  Your Drinking Water, State Fresh Water, National Fresh Water, Fresh Water Act
Grade Level:  10 - 12
Subject(s):  Science,  Biology, Environmental Science, Water Analysis
Learning Goal:  Good Stewardship of Watershed, Political Stand on Issues, Water Quality

Vision and Reality

If the learning goal were achieved in the most ideal of perfect worlds it would look something like:
The student will develop a healthy understanding of the need for improving the quality of water located
in local watersheds  in the ability to provide better health for the organisms that occupy the area, and
it's effect on the biotic and abiotic factors of the environment.

However, what I anticipate probably looks more like:
Student will become aware of the problems within the community which are directly effected by the
quality of water and develop solutions to environmental problems that can be improved on their
limited abilities and resources.

The What - If Inventory

To give the activity its best chance at helping students learn, I assembled this list of possible resources:
