Fields of Science Webquest 


Introduction / Task / Process / Resources / Evaluation / Conclusion




  As a biology student, you have been introduced to many scientific topics and subjects.  A variety of information has been thrown at you throughout the duration of this course.  What will you do with everything you have learned in this course and other science courses?  Maybe you will begin considering a field involving biology!
    With a college degree, you might become an immunologist who works to understand disease.  Or, you could be a wildlife biologist working to discover how Earth's wild organisms live in balance with their surroundings.
    With a high school diploma and additional training, you could enter the field of floriculture, in which you grow and sell plants and cut flowers.  Or you could become a forestry technician who scouts the forest for evidence of disease.
    In this project, it is your mission to explore many fields and careers related to science.  You will get more of an idea of what careers are available if you have an interest in science.



  Through the use of the links provided here, it is your job to research three fields of science.  Within each of these fields, you must select one career that seems interesting to you.  You will keep a journal of all relevant information that you come across during your research.  After you are done with your research, you will compile a Power Point Presentation which displays the fields and careers you have chosen.  You will present your Power Point Presentation to the class.


To accomplish this task, consider the following steps:

1)  Brainstorm by looking through your biology textbook to narrow down possible topics and fields that you may be interested in researching.

2) You are to specifically use the sites listed on this WebQuest, as well as other sources to research your chosen fields.
      Do not use any of your own search engines or be on a website not linked from these pages.  Points will be deducted the first time you violate this will be removed from the assignment and receive a zero for further incidents!!

3)  As you conduct your research, keep a journal of all relevant information and web site addresses that you may use.
      You may also use a hotlist to list your sources....Ask me and I will show you how.

4)  Include a list of terms and definitions needed to understand the information obtained for your selected topics.

5)  Once you have acquired all information needed, create a PowerPoint presentation that creatively displays it.  Here is a link to a web site that will help you use PowerPoint.  You will need a minimum of five (5) slides in your presentation.

 PowerPoint Help

6)  Check to see that all required information is in fact in your presentation.

7)  Give your PowerPoint presentation to the class.  Be sure to include all of the important and relevant information that you have learned through your research.


General Science Sites
You just have to click on the link for resources in this section.

Science Careers and Fellowships

 National Science Foundation

 Science News Online

 Science @ NASA

 Science Daily Magazine

If you need photographs, pictures, or additional info you can
use one of the links below to help locate them.
 Yahoo! Science:Astronomy

 Yahoo! Science:Chemistry

 Yahoo! Science:Biology

 Yahoo! Science

 SciencePhoto Library: stock photo agency specialising in science, medicine and technology




Forensic Education and Consulting
 Careers in Botany
  Forensic Science Web Page

              Forensic Science Careers
Botanical Society of America

 Botany Home Page

  Human Genetic Careers
Genetics Societies 
Marine Biology Online Course
American Society of Genetics


Prescott's Microbiology
 Biotechnology Careers

Careers in Microbiology
Careers in Biotechnology-Access Excellence

Microbiology - Biology Net Links
National Biotechnology Information Facility


 Frequently Asked Questions about Paleontology
 Paleontology & Fossils Resources
Biochemist On-Line

Paleontology Info Page
Planning Your Career in Chemistry or Biochemistry


 Sonoma State University Physics and Astronomy
Virtual Pharmacy Library
The Astronomy Cafe
American Astronomical Society



The PowerPoint presentation will be evaluated using the following rubric.  The total points possible for this assignment is 120.

Media = 40 Points
Use of Resources (sound, transitions, graphics, pictures, video)
20 points
Look at how you combined the materials and used a variety of resources.  Did you integrate into the presentation or was each part 'tacked' on?
20 points

Content =80 Points
IntroductionIs there a clear and evident introduction of the theme and content of the project?  Is there an effective 'grabbing' of the audience?
20 points
Clarity : Is the content clear and effectively presented throughout the presentation?  Do all parts flow together and support the theme?
20 points
Timing : Is there enough or too much time between slides for the viewer to read or observe the slide?  Is it at least 5 slides long?
20 points
Legibility : Is each image and lettering of size and clarity to effectively communicate?
20 points



By completing this WebQuest, you have researched several fields of science and careers.  You should now have a general idea of what type of work is involved in each one.  Hopefully, you now understand how the various fields of biology are applied to the real world, and even better, maybe you will pursue one of these exciting fields in the future!

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