War Against Extinction

A webquest designed for

high school ecology/biology students


"We did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it. Whatsoever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."

-Chief Seattle 1855 

( Teachers Guide )

( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


The delicacy of the earth is amazing. Every organism on the earth has some connection with another. Therefore, if one organism is stressed, it can affect other surrounding organisms. When the population of certain species begins to dwindle, it is easy to think that species is the only one to suffer. This is not the case since each organism is in some way linked to one another.

Extinction is a natural process, but recently the rate of species becoming Extinct has increased dramatically. Much of this has resulted from the lack of respect humans have shown for the delicate ecosystem we live in.

Each biome depends on the successfulness of the communities within it, just as each community thrives on the stability of the populations of the species within it. Through the subtraction of species through Extinction we jeopardize the balance and diversity of the ecosystem.

( Top ) ( Background ) ( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


The purpose of this project is to allow the student to understand how delicate the ecosystem is that we live in and how the rapid decrease of species can affect that ecosystem's diversity. The student will study what factors have influenced the status of a species (either threatened or endangered) and report on why that species is in the condition it is in and then determine what should be done to help this species recover.

( Top ) ( Background ) ( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )

A species is considered Vulnerableif it has low or declining population at the fringe of it's range but has not yet become threatened.

A species is considered Threatened when the factors causing it's vulnerability are not reversed and the population becomes quite small.

A species is Endangered when extiction is in the foreseeable future unless drastic measures are taken to protect these species.

A species is Extirpated when there are no known living members of the species living in the natural environment.

A species is Extinct when no member of the species is known to exist.

( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


Due to the overwhelming number of Endangered and Threatened Species the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an environmental emergency. You and a classmate have been enlisted in the Army Against Extinction (AAE). Because of the shortage of time (i.e due date. . . Two weeks from today) to combat the extinction of thousands of species (one of which could be us), the EPA desires your help to study one Endangered or Threatened Species.

The EPA has created a Threatened and Endangered List from which you are to choose one species. Click on Picking an Organism to make your choice on what threatened or endangered organisim you will study. You are to email which species you will research within two days to the Commander In Chief (CIC) of the EPA (your teacher).
NOTE: Be sure to do some preliminary research on the web to ensure that there is sufficient information to give a thorough report.

( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


The following are a list of questions that the Commander in Chief will be interested to learn about your species. This list is just the beginning for a good report. It should be noted that it will be hard to fit the acceptable amount of information in anything less than two pages typed. A complete list of all websites used for information should be attached. Extra effort and creativity will not go unnoticed or unrewarded. You will also be expected to give a 10 minute oral presentation of your project. This will be worth 20% of your grade. Graphs, Tables, etc are a good way to make your report more interesting and will improve your rank (grade) in the Army Against Extinction. See Evaluation for an entire outline of the grading procedure.
What is some of the background history of your species? Where is it found? What does it eat? Is it a mammal, reptile, amphibian, etc?
What are some of the primary factors that have caused the threatened or endangered status of your species? Could they have been prevented? Are they reversible? If not, why not? And if so, how?
Are there laws set up to protect these species? What are they? Do you think there are any that could work better?
Will the loss of this species endanger others species?

Many factors go into determining the status of certain species, so there are certain factors you will want to include in your final report.

These factors include, but are not limited to: 
Habitat: Has their habitat shrunk forcing a greater competition for food/water/shelter? What has caused that change?
Food and Water Source: Is there a lack of resources? What has caused that?
Rate of Reproduction: Is there some factor that has slowed or hindered the rate of reproduction?
Predators: Has there been an increased number of predators? What has caused this increase?

( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


The following is a list of websites that should be helpful in getting started on your research. They are not meant to be the only sites visited. To do a good job on your report you will have to visit more. Remember, you will need to hand in a list of sites you used to do this assignment.
PICKING AN ORGANISM-These sites have lists of species that are threatened or endangered. Choose one species from these sites and do a preliminary search to ensure that there is sufficient information to give a thorough report. Email the Commander In Chief your choice within two days.





GENERAL LINKS- Here are websites that will give you a good start on your websearch.














( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )

http://endangeredspecie.com/search.htmThis site is designed especially for searches done about endangered species.


( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


EVALUATION To complete the evaluation of your project go to the Evaluation Link.

( Evaluation )

( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )


CONCLUSION  By Working through this webquest you will gain an appreciation for the diversity of animal life on our planet, begin to understand the growing problems that animals face for their continued survival, and awareness of the many attempts being made to advance the recovery of animals that are being faced with possible extinction.  Equally important, you will become  aware that the loss of just one animal fron the face of Earth has a direct affect upon all the other forms of life, that everything is connected in some way, and that their survival is also ours.

( Top ) ( Background )( Purpose ) ( Definitions ) ( Quest ) ( Report ) ( Resources ) ( Search Engines ) ( Evaluation ) ( Conclusion )

( Teachers Guide )

Background & Images courtesy of  endangeredspecie.com and I.D.E.A.S., Inc