Links that are located on this page will assist research in Agriculturally Important Foods and Crop Science.  This page will provide you with sources for the beneficial uses of altered crop foods.  Many examples of different foods are available in these listings.

         Department of Food Science
Soybean Rows

        Department of Plant Agriculture

         Plant Biotechnology at Monsanto

                 Agriculture and Biotechnology

        Watermelons Without Seeds?


 DNA  as Food Source

    Virus-Resistant Squash For Sale

         Consumer Attitudes About Agricultural Biotechnology
 Plant Gene Register Index

         Plant Genome Data and Information Center

         Use of Hormones for Growth Promotion

         Department of Plant Breeding
 Agricultural Genome Information Server (AGIS)
          Benefits of Agricultural Biotechnology

         Biotechnology in Food Safety: Protecting Consumers

         Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture

         Herbicide use with Roundup Ready™ soybeans

        Biotechnology and Crops
Corn Close

        Biotechnology: New Options for Pest Control
          Transgenic Plants

        Biotech Primer

        Transforming Plants

        Two Views of the Flavr Savr

 World Food Crisis: Meeting the Demands
of a Growing Population

 Genetically modified, insect resistant corn: Implications for disease management.

 Crop Biosecurity

 Implications of sequencing the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans genome for plant nematology