On September 25 went went to the orchard. When we returned we drew picturesin Kid Pix, wrote stories in The Writing Center, and made a slide show.We would like to share our pictures and stories.
I saw the pumpkin house and the stack of hay. The househad
lots of pumpkins on it. (by Britany)
We went to the County Line Orchard and saw the bees.We
learned about the queen, workers, and drones. (by Emily)
We went to the orchard. We saw goats that could climbon
the roof of their house. (by Phillip & Alex)
We went to the maze. It was made of tall grass. We gotlost
4 times. We had fun. ( by Kyle & Kiana)
We went to the County Line Orchard and saw the rabbitsand
the pigs. They were cute. ( by Jackie)
At the orchard I saw Spot the cow. I saw Mo, Larry,
and Curly. They are lambs. ( by Charles H.)
We went to the County Line Orchard and saw the goats
with 4 horns. (by Charles N.)
I went to the sorting room at the County Line Orchard.
I saw how they cleaned and polished the apples. They sort the apples in
3 different sizes. (by Denise)
We went to the apple orchard. We rode on the wagon.We
went to pick apples. (by Zack)
On October 24 we went to see the Autumn Harvest program and the NationalLakeshore. Here are some of our pictures and stories. It rained during theentire program, and it was very muddy. However, we still had fun and learnedmany things.
We saw the rangers when we got off the bus. (by Alex)
We went to Chellberg Farm. We saw the tree that was struck by lightening.(by
Charles N.)
We learned that they grow corn for people to eat. They grow corn for
the animals to eat. (by Tiffany) I saw the corn. It was big. I picked the
corn. (by Raylynne)
At Chellberg Farm I liked when the ranger turned the
wheat grinder. It ground the wheat and it cleaned the wheat. ( by Ryan)
We went to the Chellberg Farm. We loved it. We sawthe
apple crusher. The apple crusher smashes apples to make apple juice and
apple cider. It was fun. (by Charles H.)
We went to Chellberg Farm. We saw two geese. The geesewere
eating. We saw pigs. They were fat. (by Phillip)
At Chellberg Farm we saw the pigs. We got to feed the pigs. There was
a mother pig and 2 baby pigs. (by Emily)
We went to the Chellberg farm. We saw the roosters
eating. (by Jackie)
We went to Chellberg Farm and we saw the goats and
horses. We saw the lambs. They were in an old barn. ( by Zack)
We saw the old farm house. It had a big porch. It had
a wood burning stove to keep the house warm. There was a black cat sleeping
on the bed.
The kitchen was warm. It had a wood burning stove.The
sink had a pump for water. (by Kyle) We went to the Chellberg Farm and I
saw a man named Angel. He was cooking apple crisp in the kitchen. We got
to taste molasses. It was good. (by Kiana)
I saw the pump house and the windmill. The windmill
gets the water. It gets the water from the ground. (by Stevan)