St. Bridget School

The students in Mrs. Nowak's third grade were becoming very concerned about Odessa since she was late in arriving at St. Bridget. The students decided to write in their journals about what they thought might be the reason that Odessa was behind in her travel schedule. Here are some of their ideas.

Finally on Tuesday, February 15, Odessa arrives!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2000

I finally arrived. Mrs. Nowak's third grade class was very worried about me. I was so excited that a new adventure was starting. After computers we went upstairs to class. The children looked in my box. Then Ashley, Stephanie O, and Stephanie T took me to lunch. I got ketchup on my nose. At recess they showed me around St. Bridget. Anna and Cari took me to music.

Wednesday, February 16, 2000

Greg and Bridget brought me to computer class. They set me on their red "help" cups. Sister Rita came in and Mrs. Groff took a picture of me. Then I went to Religion class with Eric and Danny. I even got to play in gym with everyone. Sister Constance came in to teach us English.


Odessa meets her new friends in Mrs. Nowak's third grade!

Odessa working in the computer lab.

Odessa meets our principal, Sister Rita.

Odessa running laps during gym class.