In order to do good work there are certain essential supplies. To aid your school shopping the following is a list of useful supplies.
school bag- necessary
for transporting daily papers
plastic school box (cardboard does not last) about the size of a cigar
three to five # 2
pencils with erasers (scratch off the paint near the eraser and write your
child's name on the wood in ink)
one solid pink eraser
money holder for lunch
money (money kept in a pocket is easily lost)
gym shoes for gym
a box of Kleenex to
be shared with the class during the year
box of crayons- 24
crayon box (no larger please) with the basic colors
4 oz. bottle or larger
of Elmer's Glue-All (not school glue, paste, or glue sticks)
3 pocket folders (pockets
should be at the bottom of the folder, not along the sides)
these 3 folders will remain in your child's desk and will not go home at
night (Check the store ads, sometimes you can get them on sale for 10 cents
or 15 cents)
pointed metal scissors
sipper bottle or spill
proof cup marked with your child's name- 16 oz. size or smaller (please
be sure your child can secure the lid, practice at home if necessary)
Please check with your child throughout the school year concerning these supplies. These are consumables and will need to be replaced throughout the year.
Please help by not permitting your child to bring the following to school:
metal ringed notebook
magic markers
Clearly label all of your child's belongings with permanent ink since articles often become misplaced or lost. Lunch boxes and lunch bags need to be clearly marked.
Fruit break is usually taken during the morning recess. This nutritious snack gives your child a needed pick me up in the middle of the morning. Your child may bring a nutritious snack of his/her own liking. Some suggestions: fresh veggies, fruit (not Fun Fruit or Fruit Roll Ups), nuts, crackers, dry unsweetened cereal, Jello squares, hard boiled eggs, cheese, peanut butter sandwich (not jelly sandwich)........
Please do not send cookies, candy, cake, potato chips, or anything with chocolate. Oranges for fruit break should be peeled at home.