2004 - 2005 Art Room 117

99.5 -100
77.49  -   71.5
99.49 - 91.5
71.49 - 69.5
91.49 - 89.5
66.49 - 67.5
89.49 - 87.5
67.49 - 61.5
87.49 - 81.5
61.49 - 59.5
81.49 - 79.5
59.49 - 0
79.49 - 77.5

All Projects should be done neatly and without folding. Grade will reflect the following of rules for the project and the Indiana State Standards. Student should print their first and last name on the back of each project along with their CLASSROOM CODE NUMBER.
Projects NOT FINISHED should be placed in the class drawer between classes and the finished PROJECTS should be placed under the GRADE SHEET for grading. It is the students responsibility to check the grade sheet every class to see what is graded and what is still missing "M". Do not wait till the last class to find missing work, then it will be to late.
It is easier for the student to find and keep track of their work then for me to know what happens to 160 student x's how many projects. They know their mark and style.
It is my policy to have a 1 1/2, 2 HOUR classroom DETENTION for student that do not turn in projects and are behind in my room. A notice will be sent home with the student when this will take place. ANY STUDENT NOT COMING WILL RECEIVE ANOTHER SCHOOL DETENTION TO BE HELD AT ANOTHER TIME - BUT THE WORK WILL NOT COUNT THEN.
I do this so all students can be successful and pass the class.
NOTE: I have told the students that sometimes they will find a mistake on the grade sheet and I will give them an extra credit point for finding it. Keep Me Honest.

EXTRA CREDIT - Any art work done at home.
This could be 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional and in any medium.
If the project is to large to transport - take a picture and bring this in.
points given:   1 to 20 (my decision)

I would like effort and quality put into these projects.  The amount of time spent on them at home should show in the finished product.
NOTE:   Any EXTRA CREDIT will not be added into the final grade unless the classroom projects are done and turned in and completed.
EXTRA CREDIT WRITTEN - Any article cut from the newspaper or magazines that are art related. They should be cut neatly and taped onto a piece of blank paper with the students name, grade and period.
ex: back page of Readers Digest is a work of art
points given: 1 - 2 points per item
Internet Tours of ART SITES ( see my web site inkblot). All addresses have to be on the paperwork if credit is to be given. Answer questions like Who is the artist? Where did he paint? Is he still alive? What style is the painting in? What medium? Where is the painting now? etc.