The National Standards for Arts Education


Introduction: What is Quality Art Education

Quality art education offers a balance between creating art and responding to art. The components of a quality art education feature these content areas and activities. The academic standards below are based upon national standards as well as a discipline-based art education approach. They are presented and articulted through each grade level from Kindergarten through eight.
Students engage in research and inquiry into the historical, social and cultural contexts of art. Through inquiry into art history, students investigate works of art to determine their origins, histories, and meaning, thus providing a sense of world civilization.
Standard 1: Students understand the significance of visual art in relation to the historical, social, political, spiritual, environmental, technological, and economic issues of the time.
Standard 2: Students recognize significant works of Western and non-Western art and understand the chronological development of art movements.
Students understand and engage in critical inquiry in order to determine meaning in their work and the works of others. Through critical inquiry students increase their understanding and appreciation of art and its role in society. They develop the visual sensitivity and critical judgement needed to participate in a visually dominant society and to objectively evaluate persuasive visual images.
Standard 3: Student describ, research, and interpret works of art and artifacts.
Standard 4: Students identify and apply criteria to make informed judgements about art.

Students raise and discuss questions concerning the nature, meaning, and value of art. Through aesthetic inquiry students practice the intrapersonal skills of reflection, reasoning, and logic.
Standard 5: Students reflect on and discuss the nature of art and aesthetic issues concerning the meaning and significance of art.
Standard 6: Students theorize about art and make informed judgements.
Students respond to observations, feelings, ideas, and other experiences by creating works of art through skillful, thoughtful, and imaginative application of media, tools, techniques, and processes. Through studio activities students discover, experiment, and use problem solving skills to express their value and feelings.
Standard 7: Students observe, select, and utilize a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas in their work.
Standard 8: Students understand and apply elements and principles of design effectively in their work.
Standard 9: Students develop and apply skills unsing a variety of two dimensional and three dimensional media, tools, and processes to create works that communicate personal meaning and significance.
Standard 10: Students reflect on, revise, and refine their work using problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Students identify methods for connecting artistic concepts, processes and skills to careers in art. Students learn to recognize the role of art in society and begin to identify their responsibility for supporting the artistic heritage of their community.
Standard 11: Students recognize a variety of art-related professions and carees in our society.
Standard 12:  Students understand how art experiences affect daily life and they identify opportunities for involvement in the arts.
Students make connections between art and other disciplines. They create integrated works untilizing the symbol systems (or sign systems) of different disciplines, and thereby enhance communication. By studying a theme through multiple disciplines, students realize the impact of art upon other disciplines and how the sign systems of various disciplines provide a unique understanding of the world.  
Standard 13: Students identify and make connections between their knowledge and skill in art and all other disciplines such as humanities, social studies, science, and technology.
Standard 14: Students understand the integrative nature of many of the art forms including dance, theater, music, visual art, and media arts.