The following are a list of the rules and procedures for ART CLASS, ROOM 117
To maintain a creative learning environment please follow the mentioned below:
 1. Be prepared with the proper materials at all times. (pencils, pens, eraser, notebook, and other items when stated)
2. No DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR of any kind is permitted. This includes talking when the teacher is talking, talking during announcements, causing a distraction in the classroom or during fire and tornado drills.
3. COURTESY toward others is expected. Name calling, violence and other forms of disrespect will not be tolerated.
4. Students shall not bring or consume any food, drinks, candy, or gum in the classroom.
5. PROFANITY, ARROGANCE and VULGARITY will not be tolerated.
6. Anyone who DAMAGES or LOOSES SCHOOL PROPERTY will be financially responsible.
7. RUNNING OR THROWING anything in the classroom will not be permitted.
8. Students will RESPECT each other and their artwork.
9. Follow all written and verbal instructions given by the teacher or substitute teacher the FIRST time they are given.
10. ALL HANDBOOK RULES are also enforced.


Students should visit the water fountain and the bathroom before entering the classroom.

1. Students are required to be in the room at start of class or be tardy -place planner on my table to be marked.
2. Students are to remain in their seat till attendance is taken.
4. Instruction by the teacher or substitute teacher will be given next.
3. Students can acquire their work in progress and at this time can move to other areas of the art room to work if OK with teacher.
4. Students are to watch the time and clean up all dirty areas before leaving the art room. Returning all chairs and used materials to their proper location. 7TH period puts up the chairs for maintenance.
5. Students should then stand quietly at the door till the bell rings.
    The classroom may have updated rules and procedures if not posted here.