The Fourteen Points
of the
Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson

President Wilson was President during World War I.  His Fourteen Points speech to Congress on January 8, 1918 was his ideas of how to end World War I.

  1. International diplomacy should work towards treaties;

  2. Freedom of the seas;

  3. Free international trade;

  4. Reduction of national armaments;

  5. Impartial adjustment of colonial claims;

  6. Evacuation of the Russian territory;

  7. Evacuation of Belgium;

  8. Evacuation of French territory and return of Alsace-Lorraine to France;

  9. Readjustment of Italian frontiers;

  10. Autonomy for Austria and Hungary;

  11. Evacuation of Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro, and security for the Balkan States;

  12. Self-determination for the citizens of the Turkish empire;

  13. Independence for Poland; and

  14. Formation of a "general association of nations."