The History of Judaism The Jews continued their wanderings in the desert wilderness in search of the Promised Land. When they left Egypt, Pharaoh's army chased after them. When they came to the Red Sea, G-d gave the Children of Israel the victory.
As they traveled through the desert, G-d provided them with manna and quail to eat and water to drink. Then after three months they came to Mount Sinai and made camp there because it was covered with grass and trees. On the third day of Sivan, Moses climbed the mountain to talk to G-d. When he returned to the people, he told them to bathe and put on clean clothes. Three days later there was thunder and lightening. The earth began to shake like an earthquake. The Jews heard trumpets and shofars. Moses went back up the mountain and stayed there 40 days and 40 nights without food or sleep. During this time G-d told Moses many things. He gave Moses the Ten Commandments which is the written Torah and there were other things that G-d told Moses. They are called the oral Torah.
After almost 40 years and 650 miles the Children of Israel finally stood at the north end of the Dead Sea and looked across the Jordan River at Jericho. Wilderness