April 2006

PTO News

  • Sleepover will be April 7, 2006 Volunteers are still needed,              please call Mrs. Thiel or Miss Nicholas if  you  are able to attend and help. If more people do not volunteer it may have to be cancelled.

  • Many changes to the PTO by-laws were recommended  and reviewed at the March PTO meeting. A vote will be taken to approve the new by-laws at the April Meeting.

  • PTO Officers:
President--Darcie Gresham
Vice President--Krista King
Secretary--Holly Kostbade
         Treasurer--Mindy Nicholas

  • PTO will be purchasing Field Day T-shirts for all Liberty students. Each class will have a different colored shirt  for field day.

  • New picnic tables will be ordered for the courtyard with this year's  fundraisers' profits.


  • All treats brought for class parties and birthdays, need to be commercially prepared. This is so that you do not have to worry what your child is eating while you are not there.
  • Please check in at the office when you come to visit. We need to know who is in the building at all times.
  • It is very important that students do not walk across traffic during arrival and dismissal. Please pull up to the curb before letting your child out or picking them up. Your patience and assistance in this matter is appreciated.
  • Thank you for taking care of your financial obligations.
  • Remember you can check your child's progress at http://stihome.hobart.k12.in.us
  • We will be having a LOCKDOWN drill during the month of April.