Laura Ingalls Wilder
Karen Kuyachich and Lisa Cauley
Introduction |
Task |
Process |
Evaluation |
Extension |
Resources |
We have read the book "On the Banks of Plum Creek" in class. There are many natural disasters that occur during the two years the Ingalls family lives in Minnesota. The grass hopper plague is the major focus in the book but several other things happened that could have changed the Ingalls' girls' lives forever. How different their lives would have been if one of the members of their family had been hurt or killed. Whenever disaster struck, the Ingalls simply brushed themselves off and continued with the task at hand, usually without complaint or regret.
Your task is to use your imagination and enter the world of the Ingalls in the 1870's. Your research will enable you to better understand the similarities and differences to your life now. Your team will work together to rewrite an event in the story. You will also roll play in order to understand the characters and how they felt about their life during your chosen event. This "Quest" will lead you to your second "Quest" about Life's Challenges.
Part 1
You will need
to form a family team unit. Each team will choose an event from the
book that could have had a major impact on the family if the end result
had been different. Each team will write a short story describing the event
in its changed form, remembering to use as much detail as Laura did in
her stories.
Events to choose from are:
Part 2
After your team story
is written every person in your team will become one member of the
Ingalls family. Each member will write 5 journal entries (1 week)
from the character's point of view remembering stay in the character's
voice and to answer certain posed questions.
Roles to choose from:
more information on Laura or her family use the following resources:
Internet sites Laura Ingalls Wilder
"On the Banks of Plum Creek" by Mrs. K
My Little House on the Prairie Home Page of Laura Ingalls Wilder1. Answer the following questions when writing your journal entries:
Each team member must choose and complete two additional projects.
1. Choose a natural disaster from Laura's birth to the present time.
Research the event, and describe it remembering to relate it to your own
life experiences. You may use a narrative form, pictures, or slideshow.
2. Show us a map of the affected area, a small timeline of major
events related to this, and some interesting ways people coped or adapted
to survive the event.
3. Write about a tragedy which your family has overcome and tell
how it has made you a better person.
4. Use the internet to research major events that occurred during
Laura's lifetime. Example: WWI, the invention of cars, planes,
5. Use the internet to prepare a life history of another famous person
born during Laura's lifetime. Include in your history why you choose
this person and how did he/she make a difference in your life in today's
Disasters in
our time:
Galveston Hurricane
Flood National Memorial
Flood of 1889 - Historic
of the City of San Francisco - 1906 Earthquake and Fire
San Francisco Earthquake
Online, Science - Wildfires
Fire Fighting Hotshot
Bowl: Overview
Dust Bowl
Chicago: 1967,1979: Major Snowstorms
of Jan. 13, 1910
Teacher Resources
"On the Banks of Plum Creek" by Laura Ingalls Wilder
After you have completed your journey with the Ingalls take some time to
look back and reflect on you learning by choosing one of the following
1. What did you
think life was like in the late 1800's before you read "On the Banks of
Plum Creek"?
2. Compare and
contrast your life to the life and times of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
3. Create a
slide show depicting the events in the book in order.
Teacher Resources
"On the Banks of Plum Creek" by Laura Ingalls Wilder