You are now a News Reporter!
Your task is to write at least a 2 page newspaper
(no bigger than 14 font).
Create a bibliography of the resources you have used.
You must use a minimum of 3 resources.
You must include at least 3 of the 10 following article
ideas. You may use your ideas as well, but they must be approved
by your teacher.
These are your following options:
1. Interview with a slave owner
What he thinks about slavery
Why it is important to the South's economy
What would happen if slavery is abolished?
Are you right in what you are doing?
Are there any benefits to being a slave?
2. Interview with an escaped slave
Reasons for his/her escape
How he/she became a slave
How he/she escaped the plantation
Are there any benefits to being a slave?
What should be done about slavery?
What are you going to do now that you are no longer a slave?
3. Write an article about the pros and cons of slavery based
on the North's perspective.
4. Write an article about the pros and cons of slavery
based on the South's perspective.
5. Write a biography of Harriet Tubman's experiences
as a slave and a conductor on the Underground Railroad.
6. Write an editorial about your beliefs on slavery.
7. Design an advertisment for a slave auction.
8. Write an article about the Emancipation Proclamation.
9. After viewing the Lincoln/Douglass Debate,
write an article summarizing each candidate's viewpoints.
10. Create a political comic strip.