The School City of Hobart
July 1, 1996
We believe that:

There is an ever increasing pace of change due to technological growth and our schools should keep current.
We must prepare students to be life-long learners and productive citizens in the 21st Century.
Our curriculum must meet the needs of a global community.
Our learning environment must meet the needs of all students.
Technology is a critical component of the teaching/learning process.
The schools and community must work together for the most effective educational experience.
All students can and will learn.

Why do we need to plan for technology?

To enhance communication between schools and community.
To coordinate resources between schools and community.
To act as a guide in preparation for the rapidly changing needs of society.

What we've set out to accomplish:

Survey the educational community of the School City of Hobart in order to determine the need for technology.
Plan for technological needs now and in the future by developing an effective five year plan for the School City of Hobart.
Study, experiment, and recommend use of new technologies.
Evaluate the plan and make needed modifications.
Meet at regular intervals to discuss change and find new ways to implement technologies.

Explanation of how our group charter is aligned with school/district philosophy:

The following is directly from the School City of Hobart Board of Education Policy Manual:
Our schools equip children for adulthood.
Effective community schools adequately equip young people for adulthood in the 21st Century. Our students must be prepared both for employment and for day-to-day living in a complicated and rapidly changing world. This necessitates that our schools provide students with the intellectual tools necessary for life-long learning. Among these tools must be: Skills to facilitate participation in a democracy, communication skills, critical thinking, and other flexible learning skills as well as the ability to work both individually and in a team situation. It is expected that these skills be developed through all curricular areas.

Our schools address the needs of individual students.
Effective community schools address the needs of individual students and focus on individual development. Students bring to the schools a great diversity of interest, aptitudes, motivations and learning styles. Our schools must be able to address this diversity by identifying individual needs, responding with appropriate teaching strategies, flexibly meeting these needs and recognizing each individual student's ability to contribute to the school community.

Our schools are community schools.
Effective community schools are necessary to a healthy community. Our schools must always recognize their affirmative duty to the entire community, including families, government, business and industry, other institutions, civic groups and individual citizens. Our schools must draw from the strengths of this community to identify and accomplish their goals.

Our schools are committed to success.
Effective community schools fully utilize the resources of the entire school community (administration, teachers, support personnel, families and students) in all aspects of school life. Our schools cannot succeed without the committed involvement of all.

Additionally, the School City of Hobart has pledged:

To support our planning efforts by providing the time and resources necessary to complete our task.

Our expected outcomes:

A plan for technology that is visionary, responsive, responsible and dynamic.
Equal technological experiences for all students in all schools.
Equitable funding proportionate to the needs of the curriculum.
Extensive teacher training and enlightenment.

Technology | 5 Year Plan