
The School City of Hobart provided its students and staff with a technology rich educational environment some 14 years ago. However, budgetary problems forced the corporation to eliminate the position of computer coordinator and virtually halt technology acquisitions. This dealt a severe blow to the progress of the educational technology program.

With an infusion of new dollars into the technology program over the past four years, the hiring of a Director of Technology, and the support of teachers, administration, the Board of Education, and the community, the School City of Hobart is once again a leader in the utilization of educational technology. Technology has become such a vital part of our student's educational experience that everyone must be diligent in ensuring that a budget priority for the School City of Hobart remains the acquisition of new technology every year in the future.

Our budget for technology for the next five years is contained in the appendix. The budgetary plan should be viewed as occurring in phases. The first phase brings large capital expenses to effect building-wide area networking linking vital resources in such a manner that minimizes restrictions on access to information. The second phase entails getting teacher, student, administration, and support staff increased access to appropriate technology.

Thus, our budgetary plan is broken into two sections. The first section contains estimates of technology costs primarily for networking and infrastructure that would allow us to move education into the 21st Century. The second represents estimates of technology expenditures for the continuation of programs that we deem essential to our educational program. We believe that it is necessary for our teachers to have ready access to professional tools including computers in the classroom. Thus, this section channels significant technology dollars to support this effort. Also, administrative workstations are planned for replacement. As has been our practice in the past, as computers are replaced, they will be moved to less demanding curricular applications. Other major expenditures include bringing our library collections on-line by 1997.

As additional funding is identified, it may require a reevaluation of the budget plan as to the order and sequence of purchases.

Also, as technology is acquired, the end user (i.e., teacher, administrator, support staff) will select the software that best meets their needs. We employ a variety of methods to make software selections including ordering preview software and holding software preview sessions to help in selection of the best application for our needs.

The most important component to remember about a five year budget, is that technology evolves very rapidly. In addition, our needs change. Therefore, it is imperative that a careful review of our needs, an evaluation of progress toward goals, and our technology budget be completed each year.

The remainder of our plan is broken into two components. The first part is an identification of the problems that face the School City of Hobart as well as an identification of causes and effects. A requirement was recommended to address each problem and solutions were offered to support the required action. Finally, benefits were identified that derived from the course of action.

The second section takes the solutions recommended during the problem identification phase and establishes a plan of action. The

Action Plan

addresses the technology, training, and support necessary to effect the action. The person or persons responsible to see that the plan is carried out are identified as well as the methods used for its evaluation. Finally, a targeted date for completion is identified. It is understood that some of the recommendations of the School City of Hobart Technology Committee require an extensive outlay of funding necessary to effect their completion. Therefore, targeted completion dates can only be a benchmark for planning and resource allocation.

Technology | 5 Year Plan