Inservicing (See Action Plan, Solutions #1-4)

The most important component of our plan is to provide for effective utilization of existing as well as new acquisitions of technology. Thus, our plan places a heavy emphasis on helping staff to become proficient at using a variety of technologies to get their work accomplished in an efficient and effective manner.

Our plan for technology inservice for the staff of the School City of Hobart contains the following components:


(of the Technology Committee)
A subcommittee established to review staff needs and recommend inservices, workshops, etc. Specifically, the subcommittee will provide for a variety of workshops to meet staff needs geared to beginning and advanced users during the school year and during the summer.

Inservice opportunities will also be targeted for beginning and advanced users during professional, PBA, or other inservice days.


Staff evaluation of each workshop/inservice
Staff survey
Staff interview

Technology | 5 Year Plan