
It's 1940.   Hitler's Nazi troops enter Paris, marching under the Arch of Triumph thus signaling  the fall of France during World War II.  From 1940 to 1944, France is occupied by German troops.  Indeed, for the French citizenry, it is "the worst of times."


You are one of the following players from the drama of the French Resistance.  Write a letter to your family, telling about your life and how it has been impacted by German Occupation and French Resistance.  Your letter is intercepted by the enemy, and you must now verbally defend your actions and your beliefs.


Imagine life in France under German Occupation.  As a German soldier your job is to control the French citizenry.  As a Frenchman, you must choose your side.  Will you be part of the Resistance, risking your life for the hope of  liberating France?  Or will you obey the Vichy government, cooperating with the soldiers, thus being perceived as a collaborator by your fellow Frenchman?

1. Choose one of the following players:
   - a German soldier occupying France
   - an official of the Vichy government
   - a member of the French Resistance
   - a Frenchman cooperating with the Germans
   - a French Jew living in France during the occupation

2. Research life in France during German Occupation:
  -  What was the role of France during WWII?
  -  When was the occupation?
  -  How did occupation affect French lifestyle?
  -  How were the French treated by the occupation troops?
  -  How did occupation affect the spirit of the French people?
  -  What happened to the French Jews during occupation?
  -  Who were the key players? (Pétain, DeGaulle, etc.)
  -  What was the relationship of the Vichy government and the Germans?
  -  Where in France were the strongholds of the Resistance?
  -  What kind of resistance activities took place?
  -  What ended the occupation?
  -  What were the after effects of the occupation?

3. Use your research information when writing your letter and preparing your verbal defense.  Remember, as you prepare your letter and verbal defense, you are speaking in first person!


 Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center Online
 France in WWII
 IB Holocaust Project: French Resistance
 Addison Wesley Longman - Petain
 Jean Pierre-Bloch, Resistance Fighter for France
 Giving Collaboration a Bad Name
Chapter Six, Minorities in France identified with Judaism,  Politics, Society and Christianity in Vichy France
France confronts its Jews, and itself,
An Online Holocaust Magazine - The Holocaust Bystanders - France by A...
Paul Touvier, 81, French War Criminal
Feature article: Path of least resistance 
Women in the French Resistance


1. Letter (30 points) : Using information gathered through your research, write a letter to your family
    that includes
    - a heading indicating the date and location of your writing
    - your observations of life in France during occupation
    - details of your "role" (i.e., resistance fighter, German soldier, French Jew, etc.) during the
       time of occupation
    -a description of how the occupation is impacting you

2. Verbal defense (30 points) : Before a jury of your enemies, verbally defend your
    - telling what you observed during occupation
    - telling what you did during occupation
    - telling why you did these things
    - pleading your innocence in conclusion

3. Language option : Pour les élèves de français, il faut présenter la lettre et la défense en français.
    Faites attention à ce que vous dites et comment vous le dites!  (30 points)
4. Bibliography: On a separate piece of paper, turn in your list of URLs and any other sources that you used to complete     your project. (10 points)

   General View
The "tricolour" symbolizing freedom under the Arc de Triumph...