¡Bienvenidos A Una Aventura Española!

A Web Quest about the
Culture, History, and Geography
of Spain
Introduction/Task/Process/Guided Research Section/Resources/Evaluation

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    Spain is a unique country with a long and interesting history.  If you have never visited Spain, I invite you to travel and study with me to learn about this beautiful peninsula in the Mediterranean with its rich heritage.  Historically, various ethnic groups,  their cultural contributions, and the geography have contributed to making Spain the diverse country that it is today.

Don Quixote statue
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  You  will be engaged in researching facts about Spain.  You  will assume one of the following roles to divide and gather information in your travels:  historian, photojournalist, geography professor, linguist, cultural anthropologist, and architect.  With your roles in mind, explore the following links and any others you find to acquire background knowledge on your topic.  You will introduce yourselves in the first person telling who you are, write a report, give an oral presentation, and you will incorporate at least one visual to enhance your presentation.  By each of you doing your part, the overall product will be a multi-faceted group presentation.

Puerto de Alcala

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1.  Choose one of the following roles:

2.  With your role in mind, explore the suggested links in the resources to acquire the background you need.  Also use the questions in the Guided Research Section to find specific information that will help you in your study.

3.  Create an introduction to your report.  Tell who you are and what you are doing.  *  First year students' reports will be presented in English.  Advanced students' reports will be presented in Spanish.

Comptos Chambers

4.  Include visuals in your report. Hints:  The linguist might make a map of Spain and show on the map where the different languages are spoken.  The architect might draw a replica of the aqueduct seen in Segovia.  The historian might draw a map showing where the ethnic groups settled in the peninsula.  The cultural anthropologist might draw a chart of each ethnic group and show a symbol for its contributions.  The geography professor might show a map of Spain with geographical landmarks.  The photojournalist might print pictures from the research, label them by name and region, and mount them on poster board.

Monastery of Ucles (Cuenca)

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Guided Research Section
1. Which of the ethnic groups left the most lasting influence on Southern Spain?  What were their contributions?
2.  Which of the ethnic groups left legacies to the central and northern regions?  What were the legacies they left?
3.  Which ethnic groups were asked to convert or leave by Ferdinand and Isabella?
4.  Which ethnic group left the fair-haired, blue-eyed characteristics now seen in the Spaniards in the northern regions?  Which ethnic groups left the characteristics of the olive skinned brunettes of southern Spain?
5.  List at least three important contributions from each ethnic group.
6. What affect do the mountainous areas have on the people, their lives, and their skills?
7.  Which language, still spoken in one region of Spain, is not related to any of the other languages?   Do historians know which ethnic group brought it to Spain?
8.  Which magnificent structures can still be seen today in central, northern, and southern Spain?
9.  List all of the ethnic groups that migrated to Spain and settled in the peninsula. How long did they remain on the peninsula?  Why did they leave?
10.  What are the mountain systems, major rivers, etc. of the peninsula?
11.  What were the major religions brought in by the distinct ethnic groups?
12.  How does the climate differ in the various regions of Spain?

Calahorra Cathedral

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FOCUS on SPAIN - Regions
Dónde? Directorio Online de España
Spain Today - Regions

History of Spain
All About Spain: History
Roman Spain I
Roman Spain II
Muslim History - Andalusia (Spain, Portugal and southern France; 711-1790 CE)
Monuments of Spain

Moorish Spain
History of Spain
History of Spain

Photo Journal of Spain
World Heritage Sites in Spain
World Heritage: Cordoba
Favorite Pictures of Spain

 Spain: Geography, Maps and Information - Geography
 The World Fact book page on Spain, Section: Geography
 All About Spain - Geography

Language and Culture
 Language and Culture
 Language Isolates @ Tongues

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Extra Credit Opportunity = 20 bonus points will be give for creating a Power Point Presentation or a Web Page.  (Prior computer knowledge of this technology is needed.  Instruction for these skills cannot be given during class time.)
House of the Fernandez de Cordoba family