Colorful original pictures | Some colorful original pictures | Few colorful original pictures |
Each slide contains an answer for each question from process page. Extra information added | Only 5 out of the 7 questions were answered completely. | 4 or less questions answered from process page. No other information added. |
Presentation to class is fluent and sequential | Presentation is somewhat fluent and sequential. | Presentation is not fluent and is not sequential. |
For Hyperstudio Project
Each card has a complete answer to each of the questions from the process page. | Each card has an adequate answer to each of the questions from the process page. | Not all question from process page have complete answers. |
Each card links with a button to the next card. These links must be in a sequential manner. | Each card links with a button to the next card. Cards are somewhat sequential. | Not all cards have buttons that link. There is no sequential order. |
Cards have colorful background and easy to read text. | Cards have colorful background but some text is not easy to read. | Few or no colorful background and text is not easy to read. |
Each card needs to have graphics | Only 7 cards have graphics | 5 or fewer cards have backgrounds. |
Oral presentation is fluent and sequential and asks for questions. | Oral presentation is somewhat fluent and sequential and answers to questions are vague | Oral presentation is not fluent or sequential. Presenter does not ask for questions or is unable to answer. |
Introduction Task | Process|Resources |Evaluation |Conclusion