

The Hitchhiker's Guide
to the
Solar System

Our Very Important People

Thanks to Mr. Douglas Adams who has written the book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, for having given us the idea for this project.

Media Fair projects always take the support and encouragement of our families. So with that, we would like to thank our parents and siblings:

          • Mr. and Mrs. Camerena and Zac and
          • Mr. and Mrs. Sidebottom and Kirsten.

Hopefully, now we can eat something other than MacDonalds!


We want to thank Mrs. Cox, principal of George Earle Elementary, for making the computer lab available to us. We also want to thank Mrs. Matthys for sponsoring us and staying late at school with us when we made more mistakes than fixes. And also Mrs. Storey for helping us out with interactive Excel. Thanks also to Mr. Russ Mellon for getting us our computers for our presentation.

And most of all, we want to thank Dr. Peggy Buffington, for without her the School City of Hobart would not have the technology, the teaching staff, or the equipment for students like us to succeed in the production of media fair projects. We want to thank you, Dr. Buffington, for being so patient with us until we could get it done right. We hope you are proud of us.


Nick and Chris

PS ~ Always remember to carry your towel!


Products We Used

| Home | Introduction |
| Sun | Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars |
| Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto |

| Credits | Sources | Glossary |