Golden Eagle
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      In this paragraph I would to talk to you about location.  The Golden Eagle lives in North America and they range to Alaska to Mexico.  They are most found over Asia (Cavendish 1059).  They live in nests made out of sticks from trees (Cavendish 1059).  They also use bracken and fern to keep their nests together (Cavendish 1060). 

      In this paragraph I would like to talk to you about description, characteristics, and adaptations.  The color of the feathers is chocolate brown, yellow on its head, and they have white tails.  The eagle lives in a tree so nothing can attack them (Cavendish 1060).  The Golden Eagle can grow up to be 3 feet, not including their tail.  The wingspan is about 7 feet (Silverstein 8).

      In this paragraph I would like to talk to you about the hunting and defense.  The Golden Eagle eats birds, snakes, fish, foxes, stoats, rabbits, pigeon, pipits, voles, lamb and deer.  The grouse and ptarmigan make their diet (Cavendish 1060).  It can see a rabbit up to 2 miles away.  Its speed is 150 to 200 miles per hour (Silverstein 9).  The Golden Eagle hunts by its claws and beak.  Its only pray is man (Cavendish 1060).

     In this paragraph I would like to talk to you about their homelife.  The parents feed the young’s until they could fly and get their own food.  The mothers lay 2-3 eggs (Cavendish 1061).  I also researched that the mothers mate for life (Cavendish 1059).

     In this paragraph I would like to talk to you about one other exciting thing.  The Golden Eagle use to be able to have more babies in 1960 then todays.  The percentage fell from 72% to 29%.  That might cause an extinction.