Characteristics of a

Truly Gifted


The makers of this Web Quest consulted with Purdue University Shared Information Services found  that there is no definitive list of the characteristics of a gifted athlete. We decided to take this one step further and brainstorm with our Gifted and Talented class to make our own list of the characteristics of a gifted athlete. We then consulted with coaches, athletes, and parents of athletes to receive their input. This is the list of important traits.

 Physically fit


 Hand-eye coordination

Natural Ability






 Highly Skilled

Other Important Traits

Keeps Composure



 "Should Be" A Good Role Model

Wanting to Improve


Good Sportsmanship



Willing to give 110%

Some characteristics that we have listed are quite debatable. You might feel that some do not have anything to do with being a gifted athlete. However, we feel that everything listed is essential to being considered gifted.  We'd like your opinion. Tell us what you think! E-mail SARAH, BECCA, and JEN at