Orchard School
Burlington, VT

Feb. 21, 2000

Hi Second Graders,

Abbey had a wonderful first day in Vermont.  As you can see from the picture, Abbey had lots of fun playing in the snow.  The temperature was about 20 degrees, but Abbey's fur kept her nice and warm.  Abbey also spent time getting to know each student in Mrs. Poor's second grade.  She helped them with literacy or math work.  She's such a bright pup!

For the rest of the week, we'll be sending you pictures of Abbey with some of the pets here at Orchard School.  Students will be sending you tips regarding the special care for these very unusual creatures.

Talk to you tomorrow,
Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Poor, and the students in Mrs. Poor's second grade

Feb. 22, 2000

Dear Friends,

Orchard School is such an interesting place!  Today I was introduced to a couple of pets that live in the Learning Media Center.  One was a Russian tortoise named Max. Stephanie and Carter, two children in Mrs. Poor's second grade, wanted me to tell you that Max loves vegetables, especially broccoli.  Max was nice enough to take me for a ride around the library.  You know, tortoises can really move fast sometimes!

Brittany and Jonathan brought out three other pets for me to meet.  They were hermit crabs named Racer, Nipper and Crabby.  A pet tip for these creatures is that they like to get misted with water every day.  Also, be careful how you pick up these little
guys.  Always hold them by the shell or you might get a pinch.  I watched a crab race and Racer won.  They were all SOOO cute!

Well, that's my news for today.  I'll let you know who .. or what ..I meet up with tomorrow.  There are more pets to come...

Your friend,

February 23, 2000

Dear Second Graders,

I am having a great time at Orchard School.  Last night Devon took me home and this morning, Devon gave me three dog treats.  When Devon took me back to school, I met one of his class pets.  It was a hamster named Meatball and he is nice.  Chelsea and Devon
help take care of him.

After lunch, I met the frogs in Mrs. Poor's class.  Christian and Alex showed them to me.  The frogs were very nice to me and very caring.  The frogs live in their frog tank.  They don't only have two frogs in their frog tank, they have a fish too.

I am having a fun time in Mrs. Poor's class.  I am making new friends - both people and animal.



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 Abbey's travel schedule