Be Afraid be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, (pause to take a breath) very afraid!

            There once was a man who was afraid
His wife was going to leave him,
And one fretful day, to his wife
He used his hands so slim
To choke and smother her to death!

             His wife had 4 friends
Who had suspicions
That her husband had killed her,
Call it intuition.

            They searched her house
To find not a bit of evidence!
Until he walked in,
Rose the suspense!
He made them scram,
And told them to never come back here
They were stumped at what to do,
The situation was quite weird
Who was going to stop him, who?

          Her friends came back
To put a stop to the madness!
Her Husband found out and left them breathless!
He sufficiently killed
Three of the friends
The fourth one decided
It's time for an end!

         The fourth one tried
But of course he failed,
By the end of the day
They both died with a wail!

An original poem by Forrest McCollum

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