Mountville Elementary School

Mrs. Peppler's First Grade

Mountville, PA


This recipe comes to you from our first grade classroom at Mountville Elementary School. Mountville is a small town located near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Many tourists visit our area throughout the year to see the beautiful countryside and to learn about the Amish people.

The 25 students in our class enjoyed baking and eating this delicious granola. We talked about nutrition during the month of March and made this snack as a culminating activity. We hope you enjoy it.

Delicious Granola


This recipe makes a lot- about 4 quarts.

Preheat the oven to 275 degrees.

Pour into a very large bowl all the dry ingredients and mix them well.

You can add other crunchy things you might like, such as Chopped Nuts (about 1/2 cup; almonds are really good) or Sunflower Seeds.

Next add the wet things:

Mix everything into a big sticky mess.

Put half of the mixture on one cookie pan, and the other half on another pan. Bake for about 45 minutes, until the granola is golden brown. Wash the bowl and put things away while it bakes.

Let the granola cool on the cookie sheets for 5 to 10 minutes, until it is still warm but not too hot to touch. Then stir it up. If you let item cool to long without stirring, it will get hard and solid, sort of like a giant cookie. That's ok, but it will be harder to crumble.

After it is cooled, store the granola in a container with a tight cover, or eat it.

Hope you enjoy this healthy snack.

Here are pictures of our class making the granola.


Mrs.Vigil's Second Grade

Stephen Foster School

Lakewood, CA 90712


We are located adjacent to Long Beach which is about 20 miles southeast of Los Angeles. After our preparation for taking those "big tests", we thought we should have some fun! So we found a great recipe called "Puppy Chow" and yes, you can eat this dog food! It's great for following directions carefully and makes a fun treat after concentrating on our work. Enjoy!

Puppy Chow

1 box Krispix Cereal or any type of Chex Cereal

1 Stick of Butter

1 6oz Package chocolate chips

1 Cup Peanut butter

Powdered Sugar

Put cereal into large mixing bowl. Melt butter, chocolate chips and peanut butter in sauce pan. Stir until just melted. Pour mix over Cereal and stir gently. Let cool. After it has cooled, put into bag with some powdered sugar and shake until coated.



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