Temple School

Mrs. Homan's First Grade Class

Temple, New Hampshire


Here is a recipe for Hiker's Birdseed that our class made to sell at a fair. We'll be going on a hike next month and we'll also make some for our snack. We are in a southern mountainous region between Keen and Nashua in New Hampshire.

Hiker's Birdseed

Mix and put 1 cup per baggy. Makes enough for 20 students. This recipe can be varied by adding dried banana chips or sunflower seeds.


Mrs. Wright's First Grade

Ridge View School

Hobart, Indiana

Sunflower Snack

Greetings from Ridge View Elementary School in Hobart, Indiana!

Last fall, as my sixteen first graders were reviewing and learning about new signs of autumn, we incorporated a "Sunflower Snack" into our unit of study. (In the fall, sunflowers bend their heads as they get ready to share their seeds with the earth, birds, and other animals that are storing up food for the coming winter. Sunflowers even share their seeds with us!)

You will need the following items for a delicious treat: waffles,

Spread a waffle (untoasted) with peanut butter or cream cheese. Next, sprinkle on shredded cheese. Last, make a center using sunflower seeds!

This is a great activity for simple sequencing at the beginning of the year! Directions can be written down, cut apart into sentence strips, and reordered. Children may also use this as a writing/drawing activity. We also enjoyed reading the book Sunflower House by Eve Bunting.

This is a very simple yet tasty snack and the children really enjoyed the treat. We hope you do, too!


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