Jean Gordon Elementary,

New Orleans, LA

We are Ms. Lenz's Lion Class at Jean Gordon Elementary in New Orleans, Louisiana----home of spicy food, jazzy celebrations, and GREAT people! There are 27 students in our all-day Kindergarten. There are 2 other Kindergarten classes in our school----the Tiger Class and the Bear Class. (Lions, tigers, and bears-----OH MY!!! :-) We like doing centers, and we LOVE singing songs!! Our teacher did a webpage for Kindergarteners and their teachers, but we do not have an internet conection in our classroom. The Lions' Roar URL is Please visit and sign the guestbook!!

As part of our All About Me theme, we learned the following song:

I am Special! (to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)

I am special! I am special!

If you look, you will see,

Someone very special,

Someone very special,

Yes, it's me! Yes, it's me!


We also made self-portrait snacks!!

Self-Portrait Snacks

Have the kids spread peanut butter on rice cakes, then use raisins, nuts, and licorice pieces to make eyes, nose and mouth. Shredded wheat (or Cheerios, stick pretzels, or dyed coconut) is used to make 'hair'. (Some of the kids used Cheerios for their mouths, noses, and eyes!! :-) )



We live in a very small Eskimo village located in Southwest Alaska on the Andreafski River, which is just off the Yukon River. Our teacher is Tracy Gunning and we are at Elicarvicuar Elementary, which means "Little School" in Yupik Eskimo. The village is named St. Mary's after a Catholic Mission set up in the 1950's. We are 5th and 6th graders which is a little old for the age of participants listed, but we just couldn't resist to eat in class. We are all Native Alaskan Eskimos except our teacher who is half white and half Native American Indian. We did not do any special project, Tracy said we could just do it to make the cookbook. We could not use fresh fruit, as we are not on the road system, but we used canned and frozen fruit. It worked!! You can e-mail us at


Get a pizza pan, the bigger the better! Roll out some cookie dough and place it on the pizza pan in the shape of a pizza. (We bought some Pilsbury dough at the store and used it) Bake the dough pizza for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. After pizza dough has cooled, spread the cream cheese over the pizza dough evenly. Next, place the fruit on the pizza in any design you want. Cut into pizza slices and enjoy! (I cooked the dough at home, and let the kids decorate the pizzas in class.)


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