Julia A. Stark Elementary School

Stamford, CT

The first grade classes at Julia A. Stark Elementary School in Stamford, CT decided to participate in this project in connection with a unit on Nutrition.

Learning about good things to eat that are yummy is very fun!!! Stamford, Connecticut is located in the Southwestern part of Connecticut. It is about 45 miles from New York City. Stamford is a big city with about 110,000 people in it. There are many big buildings in downtown Stamford. We also have lots of nice parks and many, many trees!!

Julia A. Stark Elementary School is one of twelve elementary schools in Stamford. Our school has just finished being renovated. We have about 650 children in our school. There are four first grade classes. The teachers are: Mrs. Boyrer, Ms. Case, Mrs. Chichester, and Ms. Kinahan. Each first grade class created their own nutritious snack with the technology teacher, Mrs. Maher. In addition to creating and making the snack, each class wrote a fictional story that involved the snack. The recipes and stories were put together into a book for each first grader to take home!!

Each recipe and picture is included on the following pages. We hope you enjoy our yummy snacks!!!

Recipes from Julia A. Stark Elementary School

Skyline School

Solana Beach, California


This Electronic Munchie is brought to you by the wonderful first and second graders and parent volunteer, Senor Caraveo, in Ms. Chambers' Computer class and Miss Jason's homeroom. Solana Beach is 10 minutes north of San Diego.

Arroz Con Leche

(Rice with Milk)

Arroz Con Leche (Rice with Milk) is a Mexican dessert. It is similar to rice pudding. Children of all ethnic backgrounds love to eat this snack!



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