Stories About Odessa's Visit To
St. Bridget School


After Odessa left Mrs. Nowak's students spent the next week working on stories in the computer lab. They used Inspiration to make their story webs and Microsoft Word to type the stories. Here are some stories they would like to share with you.

    I am going to tell you three things about Odessa’s visit.  We made
posters for Odessa, then went to gym, and then went to computers.  Our
class made posters for Odessa. It was very fun making a poster.  Then it
was time to go to gym. Odessa had a headband in gym.  Odessa stopped the
beanbag from getting through. Then it was time to go to computer class.
Charlotte and I took Odessa to computers. Odessa watched us doing Type
to Learn. Odessa felt like she was doing Type to Learn with us. Then it
was time for Odessa to go. We had a good-bye party .We had some
chocolate milkshakes. Odessa had a milkshake too. We had lots of fun
with Odessa.

Amanda D.

    Odessa came!! I will tell you 3 things that I did with Odessa. We went
to gym, Religion and I wrote in her journal. I took Odessa to gym and I
had to run 8 laps. Mrs. Groff took a picture of us. After that we were
so good that we got a drink. We went to our classroom and found out we
were late for Religion class. We rushed to get there in time. Danny and
I got to hold and watch Odessa. I wrote in Odessa’s journal for about 30
minutes. Danny, Greg, and I wrote about gym and lots of specials we had.
I had so much fun with Odessa I hope she comes again.


    I will tell you three things our class did with Odessa. The three
things we did were made posters, went to music, and went to computer.
The class made posters because it was homework. It was fun making the
poster. We took her to music because we had to take her to all our
classes. My friend and I took her to music. We enjoyed taking her too.
We took her to computer class. Our computer teacher Mrs. Groff got
Odessa to come to St. Bridget and the class was very happy. It’s fun
taking Odessa places like computers. Odessa’s visit at St. Bridget was
very fun. I will miss Odessa.


    I have 3 favorite things I did with Odessa when she was still here. I
will tell you what we did all day. We danced in gym, we typed a very
nice story in computers, and we went to music. We danced to music in gym
swinging the ribbons. We never wanted to stop because it was fun. In
computers we typed a very nice story. Odessa typed and saved it.   We
went to music. After a while Odessa and I danced to music in the room.
She will be my friend forever.


    During Odessa’s visit three things happened.   I missed some of the
visit, I met Odessa, Odessa went to computer class. I missed some of her
visit. I was in Disney World. When I first met Odessa I was really
excited. I had just gotten back from my trip. Then Odessa went to
computer class. She sat on my monitor. For Odessa’s farewell party we
made milkshakes. They were great! I really enjoyed having Odessa in our


When Odessa came to St. Bridget school we did three things. We made
posters, and we went to gym, and music. The posters were to save otters.
I liked them. We went to gym to exercise. She liked the hoolahoops. We
went to music Anna and Bridget had her. We made melodies. I am going to
miss her.


    Let me tell you three things we did on Odessa’s trip to St. Bridget.
We drew posters, we learned about otters, and had fun. The first day we
had Odessa we did a lot of things. In science Mrs. Nowak said we had to
draw a poster about otters. Mine was about saving otters. I had fun
drawing my poster. We learned about otters. We  learned about what they
eat and what they do. Did you know that otters eat clams, fish, and

frogs? Took her to lunch and to music, and for homework we had to draw a
poster. The posters were about otters or saving the otters. We had fun
at lunch and recess. At recess we played basketball and showed her
around the school. Time flew by real fast and soon the day came for us
to send her to Washington. I’ll miss Odessa. I wish she could stay
longer but she can’t. Now you know about Odessa’s trip to St. Bridget

    Odessa came to visit on Tuesday February 15, 2000 in computers let me
tell you about three of my favorite things we did with Odessa. Three of
my favorite things we did with Odessa are looking in Odessa’s box, the
first time we took her at lunch, and gave her a tour of the outside
of St. Bridget. In Odessa’s box we found her traveling diary. Her box
was filled with stickers. At lunch Odessa ate a fry then she said that
was a good meal. She got ketchup on her nose.  Outside we gave her a
tour of St. Bridget and the church. We showed her the play- ground. We
are going to miss Odessa we hope she had fun!

    Stephanie O

    Let me tell you about three things we did when Odessa the Otter came.
Mrs. Nowak’s third grade class finally got Odessa the Otter. We were so
excited when Odessa got here. Odessa got to sit on everyone’s desk. The
three things we did when Odessa was here were we made posters, we read
books and learned about otters. We made posters. Mine said help keep the
water clean. All the posters turned out nice. We learned that otters eat
clams, fish and frogs. It was really neat. We also read otter books. The
pictures were really cute. Finally it was time for Odessa to leave. We
had Odessa’s favorite cold treat, milkshakes! Then it was time to say
goodbye to Odessa. We had a lot of fun.

Stephanie T

    When Odessa came she said she liked all of the things we did together
but she had three favorite things. She liked gym, the spelling test, and
when we made posters. She said she liked gym because she ran six laps
and she never did that before. She played with beanbags and she stopped
the beanbag from getting passed her. Then she said she liked taking the
spelling test even though she got minus one. She spelled bury wrong. Her
last favorite thing was when the whole class made posters about saving
otters. She told me it made her feel good. The next day Odessa’s visit
was over and she had to go. I’m going to miss her. I hope she comes back


    Hello I have three things to tell you about Odessa’s visit. These are
all the things we did made posters, went to gym and went to computer
class. We made posters about Odessa. Mine said, “ Don’t pollute my
home.” I also made a picture of an otter crying on it. We took Odessa to
gym. We had fun running. I think she enjoyed running too. We also went
to computer class and Odessa had her picture taken. We had our picture
taken with Odessa and with Mrs. Nowak my teacher. I felt happy that
Odessa came to our school. I really like her. She had to leave for
Washington. I will miss her because every day we had her she made our
days brighter. I really miss Odessa. I hope she writes to us.


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